Of all emergency meetings organised by the French prime minister, Édouard Philippe, to find a way out of the crisis of the yellow vests, the key event was the Tuesday in the afternoon, the time when the head of the Government had invited, for the second time, to the palace of Matignon, where it has its headquarters “the members of the group of yellow vests who have requested a meeting”. Before the claims during the Monday of the majority of the supposed representatives of the movement, indicating that just won’t go to the interview to the paris -only one, David Tan, a taxi driver of Nantes, had expressed their desire to see Philippe, although in a personal capacity – the executive confirmed finally this morning that cancelled the meeting.
Keys for understanding why the protest of the ‘yellow vests’ harms to Macron Macron seeks to disable, without yielding, the protests of the ‘yellow vests’
One of the main problems of the Government to this crisis is the difficulty to find a partner representative of this movement, which was born as a civic protest by the increase in the tax on fuel but that has degenerated into a manifestation generalized by the loss of purchasing power of the French, and with claims of all kinds.
a week Ago, in the social networks —where he was born and was organized initially to protest— circulated a press release in which it reported on the creation of a “national coordinator” with “dozens of yellow vests of all horizons”. The coordinator chose eight “communicating” —several of them were explicitly rejected to be called representatives or to spokesmen— that they should seek “a first encounter with the president, the prime minister and his government.” But when Philippe ordered them last Friday, only attended two. One of them, Betgram Jason Herbert, only remained a few minutes with the prime minister and the minister of Ecological Transition, François de Rugy, because they refused, declared the yellow vest, “the interview outside broadcast live”. Another second yellow vest, whose identity was not disclosed, debated for an hour with the head of the Government and the minister, a dialogue, Philippe called later “interesting, frank and useful”, to the couple who said that their doors remained open to the representatives of the gilets jaunes. They were who they were.
at The end of last week, it announced the creation of a new coordinator, called the “yellow vests free”, with a dozen representatives of an “anger constructively” —with an explicit rejection of the violence— who published an article in the Sunday Journal Du Dimanche with some of its claims. Among others, they want a wide-ranging debate about taxation, the introduction of the proportional system in the elections —instead of the system of two spins, which discriminates against small parties or anti-establishment— and a resource more frequently to referendums. As an immediate step to cross that door of dialogue open by the Government, required in addition to the “freeze immediately” of the increase of taxes on motor fuels.
But neither this front seems to be attached to or ready for a dialogue with the executive. After keeping the mystery throughout the day, two of the yellow vests “free” they announced to the France Presse Agency on Monday evening that finally did not attend the call. One of them, Benjamin Cauchy, explained that a side had not yet obtained its condition from the freezing of the price of the fuel to open the dialog. In addition, “we do not want to be the puppets of a political communication”, he added. A third reason, cited by several of the spokespersons of the jackets “free” all day Monday, is security: according to reported, have received “threats and intimidation”, both them and their families, since it first appeared his column in the Sunday.
Cauchy and all yellow vests woke up this Tuesday with the news that the Government was preparing the imminent announcement of the demanded moratorium on fuel. “A first step”, he considered. However, he said in statements to the chain BFMTV, the French want “the baguette as a whole.” That is to say, more claims. And besides, he added, there are other ways, such as “the social networks or the media,” communicate, she said, without remembering, apparently, that were the yellow vests who had claimed from the beginning an interview with the executive of Macron. The appointment, for the time being, will continue to watch.