This video shows a Russian missile launcher standing in the open. It suddenly becomes enveloped by a massive fireball.

Officials in Ukraine claim that what appeared to be a videogame was actually the work a small, inexpensive Turkish-made drone. This drone has had a surprising lethal effect on Russian forces.

U.S. defense officials said Monday that Ukraine had made “terrific use” of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aircraft vehicles. These can be used to hover over tanks and artillery, and then destroy them with devastatingly precise missile fire. According to the official, the U.S. is trying to keep the drones flying.


According to Ukraine’s defense minister , a new shipment was sent to the country this month. He did not specify how many. It is unclear whether the U.S. attempted to facilitate the supply to Ukraine of the Turkish drone and other similar systems, as well as the Javelin antitank and Stinger missiles against anti-aircraft aircraft.

Military experts had predicted that Russia would be able to handle the Ukrainian drone fleet of 20. The Bayraktars, which cost in the single-digit million, are much cheaper than drones like U.S. Reaper, but they also fly slower and have a larger wingspan of only 39 feet.

However, experts misjudged Russian military competence, as has happened so many times in this war.

“It’s quite shocking to see all these videos showing Bayraktars apparently knocking down Russian surface-to air missile batteries, which is exactly the type of system that’s capable of shooting them down,” stated David Hambling, a London drone expert.

Hambling stated that this is confusing because it should be simple for Russia to take the drones out of the air or disable them with electronic jamming.

He said, “It’s literally a World War I plane in terms of performance.” It has a 110-horsepower motor. It is not stealthy. It is not supersonic. It is a clay pigeon, which makes it a very easy target.

Hambling stated that the Russians should be capable of downing the drones using fighter jets. Russia hasn’t been flying combat air patrols regularly without having air superiority. The mystery surrounding the invasion of Ukraine is electronic jamming. Experts believe that the Russians are not making more use of their advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

Bottom line, the Turkish drones are still a prominent feature in Twitter videos that show them smashing Russian cars to pieces. They have been praised by Ukrainians in song. Officials from the United States said that while not all have been killed, some are still effective.

Hambling stated, “It’s puzzling.” It could be massive incompetence on the part of the Russians. The Ukrainians may have found some clever tactics that they can use.

Hambling stated that the Russians should be capable of downing the drones using fighter jets. Russia hasn’t been flying combat air patrols regularly without having air superiority. The mystery surrounding the invasion of Ukraine is electronic jamming. Experts believe that the Russians are not making more use of their advanced electronic warfare capabilities.

Bottom line, the Turkish drones are still a prominent feature in Twitter videos that show them smashing Russian cars to pieces. They have been praised by Ukrainians in song. Officials from the United States said that while not all have been killed, some are still effective.

Hambling stated, “It’s puzzling.” It could be massive incompetence on the part of the Russians. The Ukrainians may have found some clever tactics that they can use.