Luis Fernando Camacho has many nicknames. Since Bolivia would be the “Bolsonaro”, “El Macho”, or also “El Presidente”, the President. So far, the lawyer was called in his home province, but that could soon change. It is the most radical policy would be to exchange that one could imagine in Bolivia only.

Camacho comes from Santa Cruz in the East of Bolivia, close to the border of Brazil and Paraguay, where there are flat fields, and hundreds of thousands of cattle.After the conquest of South America by the Spaniards, the Jesuits first arrived in the Region, then European immigrants. Today, Santa Cruz is the business and agricultural center of Bolivia. The capital of the province of Santa Cruz de la Sierra is in an eternal competition to La Paz in the highlands.

Like father, like son

Here is Camacho was born and here he grew up. 40years he is old, the Scion of a well-to-do family of local entrepreneurs. He has studied in SantaCruz and in Barcelona, the Jura and then in the companies his parents worked. In addition, Camacho was with the beginning of the 20th head of the “Unión Juvenil Cruceñista”, a group that fights for greater autonomy of the low country, and as an at least para-military, if not of the extreme right is.

at the beginning of this year, Camacho was elected President of the Committee “Pro-Santa Cruz”, a civic Association made up of influential Unternehmernund social groups. His father held this Post, the promises usually a bit of a local Reputation. Camacho has used him to get to the top of the current protest movement. He has contributed significantly to forcing Evo Morales to resign, and brought it national fame.

He’s never had a political office and is a member of any party.

Morales had ruled Bolivia for more than 13 years. The economy grew in this period, millions made it out of poverty. The President bent but also the Constitution, to always choose again. This led to resentment, which turned into open Protest than irregularities in the elections at the end of October. The Opposition demanded a runoff election, Camacho but as the first publicly for the resignation of Morales.

Camacho is still comparatively young, not a member of a party, and he had never been elected to public office. In the Wake of the protests, but he proved how much political sense he still has. Because of this, they continue to grow, there was Camacho, only an Ultimatum to Morales, he flew himself to the public after La Paz, under the Arm, a fabricated letter of resignation, under the other a Bible.

Parallel to Bolsonaro

Because this is also part of his presentation whenever he can, drops Camachos to prayer on the knees, stretches a fist with a rosary in the air, or quoted Bible verses.

All of this is in strict opposition to Morales. As the first indigenous President of his country this promoted the traditional religions, it relied on Pachamama and Tata Inti, mother earth and father sun. Camacho is the fundamental Christian politicians from Paraguay and Brazil is much closer, in particular, Jair Bolsonaro. With pious rhetoric and the Image of the strong man has managed this up to the presidency of his country. And from the looks of it, wants to Camacho there.

The odds are in anyway bad, especially because of an additional point, the unites Camacho and Bolsonaro: Both not only maintain the Image of a strong and pious man, but also that of the political Outsider. He had never want to be President, so Bolsonaro. Camacho has promised, however, after the resignation of Morales to Santa Cruz to return and to devote himself exclusively to his business. It will show whether he keeps this promise.

Created: 12.11.2019, 18:46 PM