“Kaspersen damaged during dance training – emergency to the hospital in the ambulance”

“Kristin Kaspersen was injured during today’s ”Let’s dance”-training and had to go emergency to the hospital in an ambulance. “

“– I sat in on Calle’s shoulder, and when I would scroll down so something happened which meant that he could not catch me, so I went straight to the slopes with the head before, ” says Kaspersen to Nöjesbladet. “

“With only one day left to this week’s round of ”Let’s dance” was the accident ahead of the game in today’s dance training, and that the american Kristin Kaspersen, 49, fell ill during a lift. “

“What happened? “

“– I sat in on Calle’s shoulder, and when I would scroll down so something happened which meant that he could not catch me, so I went straight to the slopes with the head before, ” says Kaspersen. “

“Kristin understood the beginning, not the seriousness of the accident. “

“– But it was bleeding very heavily so we had to call an ambulance. But stubborn as I am, so I said: ”this is no problem, tape me together, so we do”. But when the adrenaline is released, so I started sweating and got the drip. And we went in the road in the ambulance to sew at the hospital, and then dropped everything, ” she says. “

“thankfully, she got the news from the doctors that she is not, after all, got a concussion. “

“– It spräcktes and I have had to sew 9 stitches. The muscle went of and it went all the way down to the skull. It is right at the hairline so it has become like a small plus sign of the stitches now, ” she says. “

“– I said to the Calle at the joke: ”I’ll have to think of you every time I look at myself in the mirror now?”, she says, and laughs. “

“How do you feel right now? “

“” I have been up and danced after we came back from the hospital and I have also rested a while and I have not hurt in the head so far. And now it is six hours ago. So it feels pretty good. “

“you Must change something before morgonagens program? “

“– in Addition to a Paso doble so we make a musikalmedley and it was in that number as I’m going up on Calle’s shoulder. But at the codend, we must not do in the morning because the doctors said that I may not be up and down so much. So we do a variation of it. Then I’ll dance with a bandana and a scarf on the head. “

“Danspartnern Calle Sterner, 30, writes in a post on Instagram about his experience of the accident. “

“”I froze and did not know what happened.”, he writes and continues: ”Kaspersen is a sååån jääävla warrior and I am impressed by her calmness in this.””

“Last week combed Kaspersen and Sterner home the first set of tens from the jury for his boogie woogie . “