a rich Deep and wide “as the roots of a willow tree,” the network of customers, intermediaries and institutions in the financial world. The Zurich-based financial management company Salix Services is presented on your Website. How far these roots go really, you are interested now, apparently, even in the United States. According to a report by the US-online media, “The Daily Beast”, plays for the Swiss company, with headquarters at the Zurich Park ring an important role in the Investigation, U.S. special investigator Robert Mueller. You stand “in the heart of Mueller’s Puzzle”.

Mueller examined whether the presidential campaign of 2016 has been influenced by foreign organizations, which is forbidden under American law. In the centre of the suspicion of Russian manipulations in favour of the current President, Donald Trump . But Mueller also determined against organisations from other countries.

“Psychological operations”

For example, against the Israeli Psy Group: she is in suspicion to have for the campaign team of Donald Trump campaigns against rival Hillary Clinton developed, among other things, with false profiles in social media. In addition, the “New York Times” and currently the magazine “The New Yorker reported”: In the first Meeting in August 2016 with Donald Trump junior, a million expensive approach for manipulations of the social media had been rejected in favour of Trumps. However, a Trump paid-Lobbyist close to two million dollars for the services of the Psy Group. The Name “Psy” stands for “PsyOps” – short for “Psychological operations”.

The track of these companies on Cyprus and the British virgin Islands at the Zurich Park ring.

As the head of the Psy Group has been identified by several U.S. media, the Australian Jewish Joel Zamel. However, the true owners of the company to hide behind Offshore companies. The trace of this company leads over Cyprus and the British virgin Islands at the Zurich Park ring. Salix managed Services companies in the Offshore havens, it is apparent from documents available to the editorial team at Tamedia. They come from the “the Panama Papers,” the confidential documents of the now liquidated liquidator of Offshore companies, Mossack-Fonseca. Of at least one of these companies, there is a direct connection to the Psy Group. Who is really behind Salix Services, remains a secret. The company does not answer the questions of the editorial Board of Tamedia.

Website from the network

Salix is the Latin Name of the willow tree. The company offers on its Website a “tailor-made, dynamic asset management,” for private customers in Switzerland and the virgin Islands. The Website of Salix Services was taken on Wednesday by the network.

CEO and President of the Board of Directors of Salix Services is Judith Hamburger-Ornstein. The 68-year-old Tessinerin based in Zurich has a number of mandates in companies that specify their purpose with asset management, or “the purchase and sale of real estate”. Among other things, sass Hamburger-Ornstein of the Board of Directors of the Zug-based company of a well-known former Swiss footballer. This praises Hamburger-Ornstein as a very professionally: you have worked with, “super correctly”. The company of the Ex-footballer was liquidated in the summer of 2018.

main cast member in documentary about super

Hamburger-Ornstein sass from 2004 to 2010, in the Board of Directors of the Sinitus AG, in Küsnacht ZH. 2014 Sinitus by the Swiss financial market has been resolved Supervisory authority (Finma). The Federal Prosecutor determined since then, against the company and its founder. It goes to the suspicion of state aid to a suspected fraud in the millions.

The German Florian Homm had left by the collapse of his hedge Fund’s damage of $ 200 million, was off the grid in 2007, and later arrested and again released. Prior to that, he should have about the Sinitus AG for at least $ 100 million in security. In the USA, Homm is accused of and was on the FBI list of most wanted criminals. In Switzerland, the investigation continues. Homm can today still live unmolested in Germany. He is now even starring in a documentary about the life of the super, which comes in the next few weeks in the cinemas.

According to the American indictment, using Sinitus were misappropriated two-digit million sums from Homms hedge funds, at a time when Judith Hamburger Ornburg still in the Board of Directors of sass. You knew about this? You have not answered the questions of the editorial Board of Tamedia. For the presumption of innocence applies. The Federal Prosecutor is currently no criminal case against you.

Who are the owners of the Psy Group?

There is no indication that Hamburger-Ornstein or your company Salix Services were directly involved in the manipulation of the U.S. election campaign. However, you could probably give information about the true owner of the Psy Group, and thus for more clarity on who was really involved in the alleged Manipulation of social media and the smear campaigns against Hillary Clinton.

According to “New York Times” received the chief of the Psy Group, Joel Zamel, money for his campaign by a lobbyist in the service of the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Zamel, in turn, should have good contacts with the Israeli secret service Mossad. The New Yorker describes his company as “a private Mossad to rent”. After a first report on Psy was released in the summer of 2018, notified the company of the bankruptcy and was dissolved.

It is not the first Time that a special investigator Mueller shows interest in Switzerland: In the past year, the Zurich-based attorney, Stephan Roh admitted that he had been interrogated in New York of Mueller’s employees. Raw might have information, such as trump’s campaign team took to the Russians contact it. The office of special investigator Mueller media inquiries not answered in principle. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 19:19 PM