Ivana is things proud.

the 58-year-old Ivana Čákorová living cat in Prague. The day Ivana works in a clothing store, in his free time he take care of a cat animal. Home to find, for example puma, lynx, serval, desert lynx and ordinary cats.

Ivana feeds otuksiaan recommendations. He believes that the animals eat better than him. AOP

their Animals because Ivana has not been traveling once the pet after acquiring. He will experience punish their pets, if not with them.

the Great cat beasts all have their own room, but they can, if they wish, travel home freely. The house is renovated to the cat the beasts of needs.

in the Evenings, Ivana spend time with their animals, for example, watching television. AOP

Michelle TV Ivana told of his animals with pride.

I Love them. They are my children. This is not my house, it’s them. I moved to this great house offers to the cat the beasts of the possible a lot of space.

Ivana is experiencing cat animal to take care of rewarding. AOPLemmikit are attached to their owner. AOP

Ivanan according to coexistence is easy and rewarding.

to Me, cats living with it is like living in a musical. My life is beautiful. Animals living with nature living with. They love you unconditionally.

Ivana has been training pets yourself. Sometimes accidents happen, but nothing serious the accident is, fortunately, not happened.

I have a couple of times a little näykkäistyä, but nothing else.