The US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of troops from Syria has triggered opposition and great concern among international allies and in Washington. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas was surprised and criticized the decision sharply. “There is a risk that the consequences of this decision jeopardize the fight against the IS damage and the successes achieved,” said Maas in Berlin on Thursday. “The is is pushed back, but the threat is not over yet.” Trump announced on Wednesday that the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops, with the justification that the fight against the terrorist militia is won. “We have the Land back. And now it is time that our soldiers return home,“ he explained on Twitter.

What are the consequences of the US withdrawal for the Anti-IS coalition in Iraq and Syria, is open. Germany is involved in the Mission, with “Tornado”Reconnaissance aircraft and a tanker aircraft. In addition, German soldiers make in Iraq, the local armed forces.

Britain and France disagreed with the assessment of the U.S. President. The British foreign Ministry said, the international coalition against the IS had made great progress, “but much remains to be done”. The jihadists militia remain without a territory to be a threat. According to the newspaper “New York Times” was not the UK informed in advance. The French defence Minister Florence Parly tweeted that IS was not deleted “from the map”. He had to be defeated “militarily”. France to stay in Syria militarily engaged.

Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the announced withdrawal. At his annual press conference in Moscow, he spoke of a “correct” decision. He also Trumps assessment that the IS is defeated in Syria, largely, Putin said. However, he can see troops still no signs of the withdrawal of the US. Trump’s spokeswoman Sarah Sanders had explained that the withdrawal of the 2000 soldiers had already been initiated.

criticism in Washington

In Washington, was taken Trumps announcement of a cross-party criticism. By withdrawal from Syria Trump a shame its stated objective the influence of Iran in the Region to contain said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who is actually considered to be Trump supporters. “The deduction is driving these efforts and endanger our allies, the Kurds.” The Republican Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio, spoke of a hasty withdrawal and a terrible mistake that will follow the country for years to come. The decision was against the advice of the military and will have serious consequences for the United States. According to information from the broadcaster CNN, Trump has been involved in advance, neither foreign Minister Mike Pompeo to the Minister of defense, James Mattis. Democratic Senator Jack Reed accused Trump of “treason” against the Kurds. This was a “further evidence” for the “inability” of the President, “on the world stage”.

just last week, trump’s Anti-IS officer Brett McGurk had assured that the troops would stay for a while in Syria, because “there is still a lot of hidden cells” and “no man will believe to be naive, that you just disappear”. No one is saying that the Mission was fulfilled.

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US military withdrawal from Syria Trumps decision to use enemies Russia and Iran

Christian Böhme, Thomas Seibert

The Syrian Democratic forces, so far, the most important Partner of the United States in the fight against the IS-militia in the North and East of Syria, warned of the consequences for the fight against the IS. “He will have a negative impact on the Anti-Terror operation,” said the Kurdish-Arab Alliance. A U.S. withdrawal will give the jihadists the opportunity to gather again and launch a counter-attack. (AFP/dpa)