Peter Ingemann is a proud father today. The he writes on Instagram, where he says that his 20-year-old daughter, Caroline, has been a student.
‘A very proud father! CONGRATULATIONS my beautiful, lovely and talented daughter. You have done so well – academically and socially in your three years at high school,’ he writes, among other things to the spread.
See also: Frustrated Ingemann: – It is grotesque
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A very proud dad! CONGRATULATIONS my beautiful, lovely and talented daughter. You have done so well – academically and socially in your three years of high school. And your mother and father have been happy that you, besides the books have not gone thirsty in bed in the weekends. Smile. It may damn well not be homework and exams it all. A piece of advice to you my dear daughter (and to all others who can use it) keep in mind that if you want to take life SERIOUSLY – so should you just NOT take it too seriously. Kisses and big congrats!!!!!! Love Mom and dad PS It is not a wart I have on the chin. It was a ray of sunshine….hahaha. Peter disney eventually distanced himself from the Tricks
For Ekstra Bladet says the 47-year-old tv host that he is good enough seems that the time has passed quickly.
– the Wife and I said to each other in the hallway: ‘where have we been ancient!’, but in addition, it is great, says Peter Maurer, who continues:
– But it is fine. I feel in no way old. I think not that we are ancient. I’m 47, and my wife also, but you stand and thinking: ‘shit, where were they 20 years straight?’, but then you are just more proud of the fact that it has gone well in the 20 years. And we expect that it also does in the rest of his life in the future. It is good, and we are proud and happy. It is the parents of the general.
– Now you write that she has done well academically and socially. Is it something she has inherited from her father?
– Oh, haha. I will say that if she had inherited the social gene and the way in which I held the high school, so it had not been good – and even though my wife now sits next to it, so I have to venture to say that the same applies to her. So was she (the daughter, red.) not come out with as fine a high school diploma, laughs Peter Ingemann and continues:
– I’d better just speak for myself and say that I am not in the least took high school seriously. Balance – as I also write in the advertisement – should have, and I think that she has found in the fantastic style. She has done well academically and at the same time nurtured the relationship with friends and girlfriends.
See also: Peter Ingemann: I have NOT gone bankrupt!
Such were it not for Peter Ingemann, and it irks him at times.
For my part, I regret that I did not go up in the thing that was served to me. I had some tremendously good teachers, who had for things, but in something like oldtidskunstskab and latin pjækkede we did and sat at a cafe and drank beer.
– If I have to come up with another council, so should the boys not start in high school, before the age of 37. Our brains are simply not ripe for it – or mine certainly was not, he says with a laugh.
instead, it was to him more about how you could get easily around things and be there as little as possible, which resulted in a high absenteeism and less good grades in some subjects.
See also: Ingemann drømmetjans: – It made a big impression
Peter Ingemann stresses that one must be careful to push the younger generation too much, and it has a tv-host and his wife tried to pass on to their children.
– It should also be fun. Remember that it’s not going to matter if you get 12, 10, 7, or 02. Each year I put my diploma up prior to starting school to show that I got both 5 and 6 in some subjects – and then I got so 10 and 11 in the other.
– But it is just to say, that must fit in with, that things do not become too stressed. Get the shoulders down a little, of course, one should not piss away his life, but one must also not strive through. For what goes there is something lost, I think.
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We take the right again! (wise words from an old ass) Dear young ones. Remember to enjoy yourselves on the study. Party, drink, dance, laugh. Came out, came together. Friday bar makes you livsklar (the rhyming). Well, yes, and so should also study a little sometimes…. But the SHOULDERS DOWN – please – don’t be stressing and striving insanely. It gives pain in the stomach and in the heart. In going so long in life to laugh, be happy and not take things so seriously. Then his career enough to follow. I promise. But what m grades? Well that was damn also tight requirements in 1993. I could not become a doctor or lawyer…everything has a price. But if you are not satisfied with your life or yourself, if you go down…. So are good grades/education fucking matter and you will most likely not the career you dreamed of. Balance baby. Balance. After the study, then take for the sake of god out in the world – a few years at least! Whether it is around the corner on the nearest industry or it is on the other side of the globe (I was at a slaughterhouse, factory, in Munich, cafeteria and recreation center)… NOTE The photogenic top of the Device list (applies to other parties also photogenic or not:) have mostly never had a real job, ironically…. Well it was a digression, satire…but it’s damn serious a mistake not to know the everyday life of the people, when you have to legislate on it. COME OUT AND DISCOVER!!! It need not be exotic, just to go out to work with something completely different than the books, do something with the hands, behind by a receptionsdisk, by an assembly line, in a kindergarten… Work and experience – and then go to it in the weekend. You also have the money for it when in work!!! The picture is my high school diploma after the old scale. Check out the language the characters out. Good start from Gammelfar!!! PS And so keep you from the drugs!!! It is simply so taberagtig and them in buying them are even bigger losers. But the biggest loser will be you! – your life, career, joy and pocketbook. Well huh so with alcohol??? The all with way. But there must, after all, the extreme diligence and travail to (Churchill quote) and many hectoliters of green Tuborg and UB to before you destroy the brain, soul and life. I speak from experience. Drink.
the Daughter’s exact average will Peter Ingemann not out with you he says that it is a very good mark in the higher end of the scale.
– And in any case it is higher than both his father and his mother, laughing at Peter Ingemann.