People relaxed in the sun in Forbury Garden in Reading, when an offender suddenly pulled out a large knife and began to stab people, who sat in a circle.

It tells an eyewitness, who was in the vicinity, writes the BBC.

– All had fun, and so began a man suddenly shout, says Lawrence Word, there sat not far from the group that was attacked.

” Word could not understand what the man shouted, but he could see that he wore a ‘big knife’.

He stuck the first person – they sat in a circle in a large group of eight or ten people – so he went around them clockwise, and put it down and then the next again, says Lawrence Word.

The 25-year-old offender, Khairi Saadallah, was arrested on the spot by the police. He is now in police custody suspected of murder.

Three people were killed in it being categorized as a terrorist attack, while another three persons were injured.

According to the police, there are no other suspects in the case.

War & disasters – 21. jun. 2020 – pm. 14:23 Johnson reporting after the terror

War & disasters – 21. jun. 2020 – pm. 12:28 Now is the terror