They had remained on a failure. Last march, at the end of nine months of unprecedented campaign, opponents of the privatization of the ADP group (ex-Aéroports de Paris) have managed to gather a million signatures on the 4.7 million needed to trigger a referendum, the initiative, the shared (RIP). “Complex”, “inaccessible”… the procedure for the collection of supporters had focused their criticism of the ranks of the Unruly, up to those of the national Gathering. Operations controller, the constitutional Council gives them in part because, three months after the end of the process.

read also : The government suspended the privatisation of Aéroports de Paris

“Defects” of the online platform for the collection of signatures, a number of “very high” support : “The procedure is a deterrent and not very readable for citizens likely to support (the referendum),” write the Wise in a decision published Thursday. So much that even if the threshold of signatures is reached, “the holding of a referendum is hypothetical,” an examination of the text by the two Assemblies is sufficient to interrupt the process.

The site of collection of signatures, which is managed by the ministry of the Interior, subject to a balance sheet at the half-hearted : “to be effective enough to ensure the reliability of the results”, but “often perceived as being a use complex” because of its “lack of general ergonomics”.

Absence of public debate

Result, these “difficulties” have not had a determining impact on the outcome of the operations,” but it “is possible” that they “have contributed to affect the confidence of some voters in this procedure and to have a disincentive to participate,” says the constitutional Council. Its president, Laurent Fabius, and its other members are calling, therefore, the ministry of the Interior to “think about” of “possible improvements” to the online platform.

read also : Referendum ADP: “Far from being a defeat, the score confirms a demand for direct democracy”

Other grievance hammered by the pro-referendum, the absence of public debate and information campaign audiovisual “was able to cause some dissatisfaction and misunderstanding”, are the Wise ones, who call for “reflection” on the establishment of an “information system of the public”.

Initiated in the spring of 2019 by 248 parliamentarians from various edges, the procedure was not successful, but it succeeded in delaying the project executive. The government ultimately had to suspend the privatization of the ADP group due to the crisis of the coronavirus, painful for the air transport sector.

The editorial team conseilleRéférendum the ADP: the reasons of a échecREPORTAGE – In the valley of the Roya, “a vote to put a Macron in the minority”SujetsLaurent FabiusADPConseil constitutionnelRéférendum8 commentairesDagsitle 18/06/2020 20:01

A million is not nothing and it is swept of a reverse of hand when the National Assembly there is no quorum for a law to be national in scope to be passed, where is the democracy ?

herve actifle 18/06/2020 19:57

So now that they have lost, a challenge to the rule ! It is really shameful !

Princepsle 18/06/2020 19:45

The CC is critical of the Constitution….

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