And then there were five! After the CFDT, CFTC, FO and CFE-CGC, whose leadership have all endorsed the text which was submitted in early February, it is the turn of the CGT to sign the draft national interprofessional agreement (ANI) on the framework resulting from the negotiation with the employers. “After five years of battle, this agreement has been snatched against the will of the Medef, thanks to the proposals and the strategy of trade union unity brought by the CGT,” said the central of the porte de Montreuil in a press release in which it act in his official position.
This definition allows to keep a repository that is cross-sectoral, homogeneous at the national level, based on the recognition of qualifications.
This agreement – who gets eight strokes of the eight possible (Medef, CPME and U2P for the employers ‘ side in most) – introduces a new definition of the status frame, made obligatory after the merger as of January 1, 2019 of the Agirc, the supplemental pension plan of the employees of the framing, with the Arrco, its counterpart covering the whole of the assets of the private. And this on the ground that it was, since 1947, the payment of a contribution in the Agirc, which defined the status frame. According to the text validated by the social partners, the three aspects of the labour contract shall define now the function framework in the enterprise : the level of qualification (degree and experience), the degree of autonomy and level of responsibility.
“, This definition allows you to keep a repository that is cross-sectoral, homogeneous at the national level, based on the recognition of qualifications, welcomed the CGT. It is built in reverse, from the logical fragmentation of rights. It is a guarantee in the face of competition between large groups and small businesses or in the face of the race to the attractiveness between the territories. “
The editorial team conseilleLes social partners in the process of redefining the status cadreLa trading on the framing always enliséeSujetsCPMEU2PCFDTFOCFE-CGCCGTMedefAucun comment
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