the Government’s three supporting parties, SF, Enhedslisten and The Radical, wanted a ‘Yes thank you’scheme for the advertisements in Tuesday’s agreement on the future of waste management in Denmark. But it is not in the first place have come to nothing.

the Desire is, that the danes must actively enroll in five papirreklamer and grocery coupons in the site of which is now actively opt out. The current system has SF used to be called ‘hjernedødt wasted paper’.

– exactly what to get made ‘No thank you’scheme for has been central to SF, the party, and The Radical. There is now agreement that there must be a hedging and then convened to the negotiations, says SF’s klimaordfører, Signe Munk, after that it was not a part of the agreement.

the Unity klimaordfører, Mai Villadsen, calls himself ‘confident’ that a deal can be made. According to the parties ‘ response are annually produced 100.000 tons – 100 million pounds – grocery coupons and advertising annually. 35 percent of the total waste paper.

To make a ‘Yes thank you’scheme can, however, take time. First there must be an identification of the problems, and then convened for discussions in Business and industry, as such an arrangement must be under the marketing act and not in Klimaministeriet.

The talks are expected to start in the autumn.

– There is a work going on in the Business. So we are going to wait for a postal delivery. But it is important that we have the discussion, says The People’s Ruben Kidde.

SF’s Signe Munk stresses that neither the idea or the claim is dead:

– It is an important focus for us. And therefore, we will follow up to ensure that the government follows up on it as soon as possible.

– because we think that it is just on the surface, to ensure that there will be produced more waste paper than is necessary. Today, it is such that you get filled his mailbox with unnecessary advertisements.

the party, Mai Villadsen says that one of the reasons that an agreement on advertising could not land now, is that there were parties in the general agreement on waste, which was against the.

– But we are fortunately a majority in Parliament, who are ready to implement this here, she says.