In April 2019, the european Parliament had given its green light to the creation of a database which would be in addition to information, fingerprints and photos of millions of citizens – europeans and non-europeans – that cross the borders of the Schengen area. A kind of “mega” file biometric european, the objective of which is to improve “the exchange of data between the information systems of the EU to manage the borders, security and migration”, according to the website of the institution. It will apply to all persons who need a short stay visa and the nationals of third countries exempted from the visa requirement, and will replace the requirement to affix a stamp on the passport of third-country nationals.

Baptized Common Identity Repository (CIR), the metabase would allow to query at once multiple databases: the Schengen information system, Eurodac (the european registry of fingerprints of asylum seekers), the information system on visas (VIS), the future european system of criminal records to the third-country nationals (ECRIS-TCN), and the european information system and authorization for travel (ETIAS). For customs, the police and the judicial authorities, the information system must allow them to search for people by name, by fingerprint, or by photo, and link information from these different databases on one person.

One of the biometric systems the most important

to carry out technically this project, which should see the light of day in 2022, the european Union has launched a call for tenders. The two French companies were selected: Idemia and Sopra Steria. The Eu agency for the operational management of information systems at a large scale within the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) has chosen the consortium for a framework contract of four years, extended. The agreement foresees a budget of € 302 million. “I am convinced that this consortium brings the best solution and service offerings to support eu-LISA in fulfilling its challenges, and to provide the future biometric system shared with high added value for its users,” says Laurent Giovachini, the Deputy managing director of Sopra Steria.

“This system of biometric match to a shared (…) will become one of the biometric systems are the most important in the world when it will integrate all databases of biometric data, existing and future of the european Union,” said the release. By centralizing data on more than 400 million people, this system will happen behind the bases of which currently have China and India. The United States also have a similar database with the department of customs and border protection (CBP) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. In addition to the problematic of interoperability, the key points to address will be issues relating to security and the protection of privacy.

The editorial team conseilleEnquête on the hacking of biometric data of 1.2 billion IndiensSujetsIdemiaSOPRA STERIA GROUP1 commentairedominique revelale 09/06/2020 21:10

And it is prohibited to file the migrants and illegals.

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