Soft and wide armchairs and plenty of legroom is a luxury, which is the fewest passengers suffered.

Coronakrisen have, however, the airline Air Canada to think in new ways and to deploy its exclusive Jetz aircraft, usually reserved for athletes and musicians, on regular scheduled flights.

It writes the Lonely Planet.

Since 1. June, the airline’s passengers could choose the so-called ‘Covid class’ on domestic travel between Toronto and Montreal as well as Toronto and Ottawa.

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the Class opens up a trip with one of the Jetz aircraft, according to the media is converted Airbus A319 aircraft, where the number of seats is reduced from 120 to 58. It has also provided greater opportunity for social distance, because it is 124 centimeters between the seats instead of the standard 94.

the Upgrade is not entirely free. Lonely Planet writes that coronaklassen costs roughly the same as a regular premium economy class.

Passengers who choose to fly on the special class must also still meet the same requirements as other passengers.

This implies, according to the media, that one must have checked her temperature before boarding and must wear a facial mask during the entire journey.

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