In 2019 flocked tourists to Chernobyl, as a popular HBO series created massive hype about the former sovjetområde, who in 1986 was affected by a nuclear accident.
Turismeforskere call the phenomenon of ’dark tourism’. In short, it means that people travel to places associated with death, war and disasters. Of the other destinations in the dismal category you will find Ground Zero in New York, the Killing Fields in Cambodia and the concentration camps from the Second world War.
Now talking turismeforskere that Wuhan may be the next big hit on ’dark tourism’-front.
The chinese these, which counts 11 million inhabitants, has become world-renowned as the hotbed of coronavirus.
– Many people outside of China had never heard of Wuhan, until recently. I expect that there will be a short-lived interest in visiting the city, said Donna Chambers, turismeforsker at the University of Sunderland, to The Telegraph.
There goes a straight line between ’dark tourism’ and social media, consider another turismeforsker, Andreas Papatheodorou, who is employed at the University of the Aegean.
– today, many travelers need to show that they are adventurous. These traveler sets new trends by going to places that not many have visited, and which perhaps is risky. They are the first to go to Wuhan, for they want to show that they are brave, says Andreas Papatheodorou to The Telegraph.
Society How did the virus of man? Here is coronauhyret
in Particular, the infamous fish and dyremarked, which by many is believed to be the cause of virusudbruddet, is expected to become a true tourist magnet, as soon as the authorities in China, opens the borders for foreign travelers.
Wuhan, the capital of the province of Hubei, also offers tourist attractions of the more innocent kind.
For example, runs Asia’s largest river, the Yangtze through the city. On smog-free days you can enjoy views of the city from The Yellow Tranetårn or you can take a detour to the East Lake and fall into a swoon over the beautiful countryside.
Finally, there is also the Hubei Provincial Museum, there are more than 200,000 objects is a true treasure trove for centralkinesisk culture. Who knows, maybe make the museum a day an exhibition on viruspandemien in 2020.
Community – 4. may. 2020 – pm. 13:44 Doctor: Coronavirus in Europe already last year