Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe will meet with the union and employers ‘ organisations at the Elysée palace, this Thursday, to work on solutions to the economic and social crisis related to the epidemic of Covid-19. With a recession anticipated by 11% in 2020, and unemployment that is expected to pass the bar of 10%, the economic situation is less tense.
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The meeting this Thursday, the third with the social partners in three months, will be held at the Elysée palace from 15H “in the continuation of the dialogue initiated since the beginning of the crisis”, had said Tuesday the presidency. The meeting will take place in “face-to-face” and not video.
Define a social contract is “renewed”
In the period of exit of the containment, “we will work on what can be done to safeguard the employment and support of the most vulnerable, including young people entering the labour market”, added the presidency on Tuesday. She recalled that “from the beginning of the crisis, the executive has made the choice of employment by various sectoral measures put in place, but also by the support by the State of partial unemployment”. Announcements should be made about the learning, the part-time unemployment and the reform of unemployment insurance.
“The idea is to see how we can combat this crisis, with unemployment, bankruptcies… Think about the famous “world after”, for its part, has indicated Cyril Chabanier, CFTC, to the AFP. About the meeting this Thursday, the minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud spoke in a recent interview with the Figaro, “the definition of a social contract renewed” in order to preserve the employment.
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in Addition to the prime minister and Muriel Pénicaud, the meeting will bring together also Bruno The Mayor (Economy and Finance), Gérald Darmanin (Action and public accounts), Didier Guillaume (Agriculture, Food) and Laurent Pietraszewski (State secretary to the minister of Health and solidarity, responsible for the protection of health of employees against the epidemic of covid-19).
Are invited, on the side of trade union organisations, Laurent Berger (CFDT), Philippe Martinez (SGC), Yves Veyrier (Force ouvrière), François Hommeril (CFE-CGC), Cyril Chabanier (CFTC) and Laurent Escure (Unsa). On the side of employers ‘ organisations are invited Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux (Medef), Alain Griset (U2P), François Asselin (CPME) and Chris Lambert (FNSEA).
During the containment, Emmanuel Macron, had organized a first meeting in a video-conference with union and employers ‘ organisations on 27 march, during which the unions had made several requests. Among them, a ban on dividend payments, sanctions against companies who do not protect their employees against the coronavirus, an assessment specific on the telecommuting or the establishment of a “committee of experts” to monitor the impact of the confinement on the population. Of the claims that remained for the moment without response.
The editorial team conseilleLa France is preparing a wave of layoffs and bankruptcies without précédentLe unemployment rate will explode in the coming months ?SujetssyndicatsEdouard PhilippeEmmanuel Macron6 commentairesrichar leblanle 04/06/2020 09:04
Macron and Philippe are responsible for more than 29,000 deaths.
gerogesdele 04/06/2020 at 09:03 pm
Your journalists may call our President, “the President Macron”, and not “Macron short”.
that when he is a professor of Medicine, they never fail to precede his name, “professor so-and-so”…..
dre74le 04/06/2020 at 08:55 pm
Goal of the government and the employers, it is the regression of the labour code by using the covid 19, let’s not do
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