It is now old news that the Ministry of foreign affairs advises against all non-necessary travel at the present time.

Have you been on the sommerhustur to Sweden during the sunny pinsedage, it may mean fourteen days of quarantine, when you turn the nose homewards again.

It applies to all countries except Iceland, Norway and Germany, as the Ministry of foreign affairs from 15. June open for travel.

if you are Travelling outside of the three countries – it will also say to our Swedish neighbours – should still go into quarantine, recommends the authorities. But it is not just a recommendation, as some cross-border, the danes have intended to follow – on the contrary.

Extra Magazine has asked three danes, who were either on their way to Sweden or just arrived away with their views on the authorities ‘ recommendations on the swede-quarantine.


Kasper Bjerre “Saltwater”, 27, takes often to Sweden in connection with the work. But quarantine rules are strange, he thinks.

It is tame

– It sounds simply wonder, then, that the authorities recommend it. It’s good that not very many are going to abide by it, says Kasper Bjerre “Saltwater”

He often cross the border to Sweden in connection with his work, but live in Denmark. Even though he has already thought about that it would make sense to be in quarantine for 14 days, if you are together with someone who is at risk , so it is not a recommendation, he is going to live.

-Well, I think it is tame. It doesn’t really make any sense, for example, if you do not have to be in quarantine, when the borders are opened to Germany or Norway, it sounds.


Lene Jørgensen feel confident in relation to his frequent visit in the the Swedish. Photo: Anthon Unger.

the hobbit is certainly

For the 57-year-old Lene Jørgensen proposal for a possible quarantine is not taken up for consideration, even though she well knew the rule and the authorities ‘ recommendations.

– the region of scania is the area in Sweden where they have suffered the fewest deaths and where the infection is somewhat less than in the other major regions.

She believes that the authorities and especially the government’s policy is paradoxical.

– Danish politics is stupid. So for us, who is often in Sweden, it would be terrible with 14-day quarantine. So I would never get out. It debunks the idea that danes are well allowed into Sweden, absolutely free of charge, but then burres inside again, says Lene Jørgensen.


Thomas Hansen knew nothing about a 14 day quarantine. Photo: Anthon Unger

– Would go in addition to work

Thomas Hansen’s ex-wife lives in Sweden, and the couple’s shared daughter commute between the two parents from each of its country. He was not at all clear about the authorities ‘ recommendations was for 14 days.

– It seems a little strange that it has not been reported properly. I had no idea it was a recommendation. I have not even it cleared with my work.

– In the worst case, it would of course mean that I could not fit my work as an electrician. And I would not be able to afford to keep the 14-day karantænefri, if not the boss paid, says Thomas Hansen.

Sweden has in the past day registered eight dead among coronasmittede.

It shows the Swedish Folkhälsomyndighetens latest update.

Thus, Sweden has registered a total of 4403 persons who have died with coronasmitte.

The daily figures for coronadødsfald in Sweden is expected to rise on Tuesday, saying statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell.

– We are likely to see more cases in the morning, says Anders Tegnell.

This is because there often is a gap in the indrapporteringerne of deaths in the weekend.