The artist-the artist Christo, famous for his monumental creations such packing of the monuments such as the Pont-Neuf in Paris and the Reichstag of Berlin, died Sunday, may 31, at the age of 84 years, said his staff on his account Facebook official.

The artist born Christo Vladimirov Javacheff, Bulgaria, “died of natural causes on may 31, 2020 at his home in New York,” according to a message posted by his “office” on his page Facebook.

Inventor of a new kind of art again, “the fabric covering of the space,” Christo had wrapped in cloth the Pont Neuf in Paris (1985) and the Reichstag building, Berlin (1995).

“Christo has lived his life to the fullest, not only in imagining the seemingly impossible but in the doing. The work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude (his wife and muse who died in 2009, editor’s NOTE) has brought together people in shared experiences around the world, and their work lives on in our hearts and our memories,” write of its employees in their message.

The artist had to wrap up the Arc de triomphe this year. “Since my meeting 1958 in Paris with Jeanne-Claude, we have not ceased to set up projects that met constantly to questions of permission and logistics are deemed impassable. Only 23 of these projects have been carried out. But the 47 remained in the state of ideas. The Packaging of the Arc de triomphe, designed in 1962, was in them, like a secret well-hidden from the sight and knowledge of all, he told our sister Valérie Duponchelle on April 3. This is not an old idea but a nice idea that finally found its context, thanks to the support unofficial but supported the president’s Macron . It is not too late, this is a project that finds its time today, exactly when it needed to be done. During all these years, the project was able to develop its structure so fabulous. There is a news special that we could not imagine twenty years ago!”

But the operation is already shifted by the spring to the fall had been postponed. The Centre des Monuments nationaux had announced that the whole intervention was postponed to the next year. She was now scheduled for 18 September to Sunday 3 October 2021. Will she be maintained with the disappearance of the artist ?

The Centre Pompidou was also to expose the artist , with a presentation of his paris period, and including this iconic project The Pont-Neuf Wrapped [The Pont-Neuf packaged], who had marked the spirits in 1985.

“Christo was a great artist, capable of giving to our lives a new depth. An Enchanter. It was also a wonderful person combining audacity, determination and a deep humanity,” said the president of the Centre Pompidou Serge Lasvignes to the announcement of the death of the artist, in a statement sent to AFP.

“We had worked passionately with Christo and his people to this project that he dreamed of as to the preparation of the packaging of the Arc de Triomphe to which it was so,” said his side the director of the Centre Pompidou, Bernard Blistène. Before adding : “May the exhibition that we will open on the 1st of July to pay tribute to this outstanding artwork, at the crossroads of all disciplines, and if essential to the history of the art of our time.”

The editorial team conseilleL’packaging of the Arc de triomphe by Christo will wait for the fall 2021Christo packs the Arc de triomphe: “I love to climb what seems impossible, and that, after, disappears for ever”Christo, when art packs the ville76 commentairespaphnucele 01/06/2020 at 01:01 am

I would have hoped that we would be spared the grotesque and useless ( as always with the “artist” ) packaging of the Triumphal Arch of the Star … I can see that it is not the case …is it necessary for some to have money wasted easy.. uplifting in a time of crisis and savings…

DelisKesensle 01/06/2020 00:46

Hope that the project of the Arc de triomphe will see the light of day. In a tribute.
No offense to the pilot-major and other grumpy.

ligus1720le 01/06/2020 00:32

A friend in express shipped to Bedos who will be able to remind him that he, too, at a time ‘racing’ dry Sophie Daumier…

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