The square in front of Notre-Dame of Paris, closed to the public since the fire of the cathedral there are more than a year, reopens this Sunday, announced the diocese, the mayor of Paris and the establishment in charge of the renovation.

read also : Notre-Dame of Paris: the origins of “the fire of the century” remains a mystery

due to the fire of April 15, 2019, the square and the rue du Parvis, “have suffered lead pollution which has resulted in the immediate closure of the site”, recalled that the three institutions in a press release.

After a “favorable opinion” of the regional Agency of Health of Ile-de-France Friday, the Paris police prefect has authorized the reopening of two places, they added, specifying that samples and regular cleaning will be carried out.

15 hours, Sunday, Mgr Michel Aupetit, the archbishop of Paris, the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and the general Jean-Louis Georgelin, who chairs the public Institution of Notre-Dame, will be on hand to mark the reopening, they said to the AFP.

The shipyard intended to secure the Notre Dame burned down, suspended in mid-march because of the coronavirus, should be resumed very gradually, always with the ambition to bring life back to the cathedral by 2024.

The editorial team conseilleJean-Jacques Annaud is preparing a film on the fire of Notre-dame-des books for imagining the future of Our Lady of ParisÉpidémies, wars, funerals, national… Notre-Dame de Paris has always shared the destiny of the people françaisAucun comment

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