An apartment on Monica Zetterlunds Way in Copenhagen SV was devastated by a fire Saturday evening, and police aiming a 22-year-old woman to have attached to the fire in a mattress.
She refuses guilty, and after a grundlovsforhør in Copenhagen dommervagt Sunday she got the arrest maintained for three hours, while police make further inquiries. When an arrest is maintained, it means that the judge considers that the police evidence is too weak for a pre-trial detention.
the Capital’s Readiness was alarmed at 17.55 for the ‘smoke from the apartment’. The fire in the apartment on the first floor was quickly extinguished with a single hose output, and the hallway was vented of smoke.
But the apartment was heavily damaged, and without quick action from the fire department could the fire have spread in the property, where the residents were temporarily evacuated.
Two residents who had smoke in the staircase, were attended to by ambulancepersonale on the spot.
The 22-year-old woman was arrested at the tretiden night to Sunday. The small, slender, pretty woman crying and wiped the tears away from my eyes as she was led into dommervagten. She was wearing black leather pants and a blue shirt.
After she had spoken with her defender, Jesper Storm Thygesen, accused, the prosecutor, the 22-year-old for arson under particularly aggravating circumstances, by the criminal code section 181, second paragraph. 3, which has a maximum sentence of up to ten years in prison.
the Prosecutor asked the judge in open court; the interests of the case solution. Police are not finished with to ensure track or determine her whereabouts before and after the fire, explained the prosecutor.
Three friends of the accused had turned up in dommervagten, but had to leave the courtroom, when the judge closed the doors.
Subject to the brandstiftelsen perhaps be linked to a broken authenticity.