the Accident took place on a small side street, right in the Ed. The alarm came in at 20.10.

however, It is unclear as to the reasons for the accident.

” There are two cars that have collided. The drivers of the cars, it is cancelled by the ambulance service to the jourcentralen in Heidelberg, ” says Robert Lindahl, styrkeledare of the fire and rescue service.

the Rescue service, describes the situation as a quiet, on-the-spot. Phone was just before the 21-time, on-the-spot in order to take care of the vehicle.

Skadeläget of the people involved is not known.
the Hero of the crash, ”He said, not even a thank you,”

, Why was Niki Lauda enemy, the man who saved his life.

Leif Mannerström about to die: ”My wife saved my life.”

Remember, none of the key people • to Have fallen to 15 kg in weight
The trials and tribulations of the privy council of sweden and the boys: ”Inequality is untenable”

, and Torbjörn Nilsson: The story of the S was the to.

Tegnell: Why are the numbers of antibody as low as the Model is 17 per cent – which is the reality: 7.3 in • ”to a number of factors.”

”IFK Göteborg’s team is better than it for many years,”

How can the Blue be set up with the new stars of the•, Therefore, the right is not of the languages spoken in It honors your friends omkomne Alexander

16-year-old was killed in a mopedolycka • To be honored with a motorcade.
