The island of Niue is not much bigger than an atoll, rises only a few meters of the Pacific ocean. Little-known, has a population of a few thousands of tourists every year who bathe along the rough limestone coast, all framed by a coral reef. Or do excursions between the quarries and the caves from the waters of an emerald. But recently Niue and its approximately 1,600 inhabitants have discovered a new treasure: the stars. When night falls and looks up to the firmament, the spectacle of which they can enjoy, it is primordial. The other is the first independent state to be recognized, and entirely, as a “Dark sky place”, that is, a reserve of dark sky, unsoiled by light pollution. Goodbye light pollution, The recognition came from the International dark sky association, who are fighting around the world with initiatives to maintain the firmament of the reach of all. The possibility that, in the last decades, it has become rather rare, especially in the Countries with the highest rates of urbanization. The tourism of the sky Niue is a small village, such as population, 22 miles to 18 size. The people gathered towards the west coast, where you’ll find the capital, Alofi, and the small airport. The nearest islands are the most noble of Tonga to the southwest, Fiji to the west and Samoa to the north. All distant hundreds of kilometers. This makes Niue an ideal place to be a “reserve of dark sky”.
All the stars of Niue: the island in the Pacific is the first State from the dark sky