The spread of the theft of the vehicle, and, in particular, the ones belonging to the park rental car (645.000 car disappeared in the last 10 years), has called for a decisive intervention to try to stem the phenomenon.
it was initiated, a project at european level of protection, tracking and recovery of cars dedicated especially to cars to rent long term on the part of some manufacturers, such as Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Jeep, but also from companies in the sector such as automotive, for example, Europ-Assistance.
The service of installation of devices of tracking of the cars and the operative central which is directly connected with the forces of law and order, is of Lojack in Italy, while the telecommunications company TelcaVoIP International has created the entire telecommunications infrastructure, telephone and sms, interconnecting through their IP services VoIP the same central operating with the Police forces of Italy, Austria, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany and Portugal.
in Short, a full-service and integrated over and above the normal anti-theft and that for the first time sees the direct involvement of all the forces of law and order on the territory of europe.
The devices installed by the manufacturers on the cars, they are connected 24/h, with the operating centre that is able to interpret any moves without the transponder, and therefore potentially subject to theft or otherwise is in motion without permission of the owner.
IP technology VoIP implemented by TelcaVoIP International, makes it easy to instantly secure communication between the stolen car and the central operational office (and car owner), either via telephone call to the operator in the central h/24, either through the sms service.
The operations center can then locate the car with an accuracy of three meters and alert the police patrol closest to them.
To report, then, that the IP telecommunication VoIP TelcaVoIP International are an active part of the service MoVe-In (Monitoring of Polluting Vehicles) initiated by the Lombardy Region (for precise communication and interconnection between the regional and central operations).
it is an experimental project that promotes innovative methods for the control of emissions of motor vehicles through the monitoring of mileage, taking into account the actual use of the vehicle and the driving style adopted.
In practice, a “black-box” (black box), installed on the vehicle, detects the necessary information through the IP connection-Satellite a dedicated technological infrastructure and enabled to handle the restrictions to the movement of vehicles the most polluting.
So, the owners of a vehicle, gasoline Euro 0 diesel Euro 0, 1, 2, and 3 the object of limitation to the circulation, with MoVe-In may move without the blocks daily or hourly, respecting only a maximum number of mileage annually, calculated in base to the typology and the environmental class of the vehicle.
In practice, the project MoVe-In, you can get a “derogation mileage”, that is measurable and controllable, extending the limitations to all days of the week and at all hours of the day (24 hours) thus allowing you to predict a saving of emissions.
The saving of emissions is converted to kilometres so that they can be redistributed in the course of the day and of the week, unlike those that are currently passable by vehicles is limited.
The derogation mileage allows you to go when you want a number of kilometres set in the base class and emissions class of the vehicle, up to the end of the membership year or to the exhaustion of the miles awarded.
of course, if the mileage on assigned runs out the first of the year, it can no longer circulate in areas that are subject to limitation until the end of the year. (m.r.)
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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on the Prescription, that incomprehensible no to Renzi Woods: “If the government becomes the justice we can not accept that,” the Case Gregoretti, and the recital by the father of the former minister Salvini ready to do anything to save himself Salvini, nothing will be as it was before The language of the statute of limitation
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