If you are a wine lover, then you are more than likely going to want to showcase the wines that you have.  With that being said, it is also going to be very important to serve these same wines at the correct temperature.  This is because the temperature of your wine is going to impact how the wine tastes.  If you are drinking wine, you want it to taste good, don’t you?  Well of course you do.

Whenever you are having people over or just serving your guests, it can be very easy to simply overlook this one particular variable and how important it really is.  Here is exactly how you can make sure that you are always serving wine to your guests at the correct temperature. 

Wine Temperature:  Does it Really Make a Difference?

To answer this question in a word, yes.  While there are going to be certain serving variables that are going to make much more of a difference than others, the temperature of the wine you are serving is actually going to be pretty critical.

When you are able to serve wine at the correct temperature, it is going to help bring out all of the flavor profile that you were intended to enjoy, as well as the character and bouquet that is going to ensure that the wine is displaying the perfect balance of flavor, aroma, structure and even alcohol.  If you are to serve the wine either too warm or too cold, you may potentially miss out on the reason the wine was made in the first place.

What is the Ideal Wine Temperature?

When it comes to wines and what temperature they should be served, it is not going to be an exact science.  In fact, there is actually no optimal temperature for serving red wine or white wine, but most people will agree that serving it between 45 and 65 degrees will be the best way to optimize how it tastes.  So, that is why proper refrigeration is extremely important. 

Should You Chill Your Wine?

When it comes to either red or white wines, they are both going to require their very own methods of storage and presentation.  While serving temperature can come down to your individual preferences, most people will tend to enjoy having their white wines chilled just a bit and their red wines served a little more room temperature.  At the same time, here are some who believe that the colder the wine is, the better it is going to taste.  With that being said, it is no reason to start storing your wine bottles in the freezer. 

If your wine is served too cold, it is going to block both flavor and aroma.  So, when it does come to chilling your wine, it is completely up to you and what your personal preference really is.  But what you can do is to consider taste testing your wine at different temperatures until you find the temperature that you like best and then share that the next time you are entertaining.