Full of quality calories, protein shakes are a staple of many fat loss diets. Most regular protein supplements, however, fail to address the reason why so many people struggle with shedding extra pounds. That reason is the unrestrained appetite that causes them to overeat.

Fortunately, some protein shakes make for nice exceptions. We’ll review one of them – FitMiss Delight.

FitMiss Delight Protein Shake Overview: Why Take It?

In a nutshell, one serving of FitMiss Delight protein shake allows you to enjoy:

  • 90 calories in total, almost exclusively consisting of quality calories.
  • 16 g of protein from whey protein concentrate and potato protein extract.
  • 1.5 g of fat, including 0.5 g of saturated fat and 45 mg of cholesterol.
  • 3 g of carbs, with 1 g from sugars and 1 g from dietary fiber.
  • 17 extracts and powders in total, from beneficial greens and superfoods.
  • Added vitamin B12.
  • 4 major electrolytes: sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium
  • Digestive enzymes protease and lactase.

As you see, FitMiss is a rather nutritious protein shake. Let’s take a closer look at its key ingredients.

What Ingredients Go Into FitMiss Delight Protein Shake?

The ingredients below deliver most of the nutritional value of FitMiss Delight:

  • Whey protein concentrate Whey has long been seen as a decent source of protein and for a good reason. It has a wealth of amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids the body can’t make on its own. FitMiss Delight supplies whey protein as concentrate – a time-tested way to supplement whey protein.
  • SolaThinTM potato protein extract This patented component contains potato protease inhibitor II (PI2) – the compound that makes FitMiss Delight protein shake unique. As some research indicates, PI2 can foster the feeling of fullness and restrain appetite in a natural way. This in turn can help prevent overeating and consuming more calories than the body has a use for.
  • Greens and superfoods FitMiss Delight protein shake comes packed with extracts and powders of 17 greens and superfoods. They include flaxseed, blackberry, broccoli, cranberry, spinach, pomegranate, red currant, strawberry, watermelon, artichoke, gluten-free barley grass, and more. These foods are rich sources of many phytonutrients that benefit health.

As you can tell, FitMiss Delight already seems to be a next-level protein supplement. Let’s see what else it can boast of.

How Else Can FitMiss Delight Support Your Diet?

On top of the major ingredients we’ve mentioned earlier, FitMiss Delight contains:

  • Vitamin B12 FitMiss Delight protein shake provides 50 mcg – 2083% of daily value – of added vitamin B12 in the form of methylcobalamin. This form of vitamin B12 is naturally occurring and is easy for the body to absorb and make use of.
  • Major electrolytes FitMiss Delight supplies 60 mg of sodium, 210 mg of potassium, 171 mg of calcium, and 21 mg of magnesium. These amounts of these four major electrolytes total up to 3% DV, 4% DV, 13% DV, and 5% DV respectively.
  • Digestive enzymes FitMiss Delight delivers 30 mg of protease and 30 mg of lactase. These digestive enzymes are crucial for proper whey protein absorption. As protease helps break down whey protein into amino acids, lactase makes it possible for the body to digest lactose.

FitMiss Delight seems to be a well-thought-out protein supplement. Some ingredients in FitMiss Delight, however, are uncertain.

FitMiss Delight Protein Shake: Things to Watch For

The following FitMiss Delight ingredients are questionable:

  • Artificial flavors FitMiss Delight is available in Chocolate Delight, Vanilla Chai, and Cappuccino flavors. Sadly, though, FitMiss Delight uses both natural and artificial ingredients for each of these flavors, without specifying them.
  • Artificial sweeteners FitMiss Delight lists sucralose and acesulfame potassium among its components. Both of these artificial sweeteners, however, act as excitotoxins and foster a vast range of serious health conditions and diseases.
  • Soy lecithin Lecithin is a common emulsifier and it often comes from soy. The problem is that the prevailing majority of soy today is genetically modified. As a result, soy lecithin acts as a potential pathway for GMOs and associated toxins to get inside the body.

More and more evidence suggests that these ingredients are harmful in the long run. What do we make of FitMiss Delight protein shake then?

Our Guide’s Verdict on FitMiss Delight Protein Shake

All things considered; FitMiss Delight does the trick as a protein supplement. Besides protein from a decent source, FitMiss Delight contains digestive enzymes, vitamin B12, electrolytes, and phytonutrients from greens and superfoods. As such, it can enrich almost any fat loss diet.

If you’re after an all-natural protein supplement, however, FitMiss Delight won’t be an option. Same applies for those who want a non-GMO or soy-free protein shake. Finally, FitMiss Delight isn’t suitable for people on plant-based diets.