At THE end of the news, so long awaited has arrived: the coronavirus in chinese that has already impressed, according to some estimates, nearly 1,700 people, killing three, can be transmitted from man to man. A team of experts of the National Health Commission of china has confirmed that the new ‘mysterious’ coronavirus , which causes a disease similar to pneumonia, is transmitted from person to person. In the south of the Country, would, therefore, been two cases of transmission human-to-human of coronavirus, especially in the province of Guangdong, said the head of the panel of scholars, Zhong Nanshan. “Transmission is still limited” “Surely it is a given that change the scenery and you need to be vigilant about who comes from the affected areas. If present the symptoms of pneumonia should be isolated in hospital. But the transmission is still limited, so much so that the Who at the moment has not yet decided the restrictions,” explains the head of the department of epidemiology at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Gianni Rezza – A count of 40 cases, an account with more than one thousand it is clear that at this point, the transmission of the human is clear enough, as also happens with the coronavirus. But it is a contagion limited, only with close contact, not to airway: is not like the flu, for example. If so, as I believe, the situation can be kept under control. Cases found outside of Wuhan, where there is the fish market, is deemed the heart of the outbreak, are few”. For more so, than the dramatic previous Sars, adds Security, “the symptoms of the pneumonia does not seem serious. But it is still a phase in which there is to understand, at the time the transmission is low”. Avoid travel unless necessary The first outbreak of this infection has been identified in the city of Wuhan, but the disease, which presents with symptoms such as febbree respiratory problems, is now also available in South Korea, Thailand and Japan. For now Europe and Italy seem still safe. According to the european Centre for the
prevention and control of disease, the risk of spread in the european countries is extremely limitto. But the ministry of Health, in the poster of the ministry of Health working in the airport of Rome Fiumicino, I recommend that you “postpone travel to Wuhan are not needed”. And consult your doctor and get vaccinated against influenza “at least two weeks prior to travel”.

After the news of the infection from man to man “no one can exclude that the virus will arrive in Europe, and also in Italy – explains the Safety – but at the moment there are no special indications by the Who. There are the normal security measures, there is still a good understanding of the extent of the phenomenon, to see how it evolves, and then eventually adopt more restrictive measures, as was the case for the Sars epidemic”. In 16 years 5 years the virus become capable of hitting a man in the Meantime, it appears that they are five, in 16 years, the viruses that have made the ‘jump species’, i.e. from animals that them hosting have become able to transmit from human to human. Of these three belong to the family of coronavirus, the same to which belongs the virus 2019-nCoV, which started to spread from the chinese city of Whuan. “Three coronavirus in less than 20 years a strong alarm bell. These phenomena are also linked to changes in the ecosystem: if the environment is disrupted, the virus is located in front of new guests”.

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