DIETS that cleanse the body , masks, anti-smog , the windows closed during the day to block the entry of particulate matter: each stop when the smog rises above the safety limits. Days with the red dot, during which increases the concentrations of the pollutants: nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter, as Pm10 and Pm2,5, are particularly harmful to health, as being particles extremely fine, can easily reach the lungs. Of tricks to defend themselves if they feel many, but not all of them actually work. Here are the strategies that can really help to defend our health from pollution.
masks anti-smog Even if there are still masks anti-smog that are able to protect us completely from the pollution, there are some types which can filter out most of the air. And those, instead, that it is really useless to wear. “The masks of paper, that we often see wear around the city, do not have any protective value. Are in fact those that wear the surgeons, and they serve more to defend others from infections and colds,” explains Rosastella Prince, doctor pulmonologist at the hospital San Camillo Forlanini of Rome and vice president of the region of Lazio of the Italian Association pneumalogi ospedalieri (Aipo). “ There are, however, templates that can help defend us from the dust, because it is equipped with a filter of polypropylene interchangeable, depending on the type (FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3) can filter the air up to 98%”. It is important, ” adds the expert, that these masks have the european mark of certification, which adhere perfectly to the face, especially the nose and mouth, and especially for those already suffering from a respiratory illness, that are equipped with a valve for exhalation, which allows the emission of the air that otherwise would increase dangerously the levels of carbon dioxide in these patients. “They have some drawbacks, however, including the one to be impractical, since the filter mask must be changed often and regularly and must adhere perfectly to the face,” he reiterates, Prince.
do Not go out during peak hours in Addition to the masks, which are not sufficient but still useful, to protect oneself from air pollution, you can follow a few simple rules, such as avoid going out in peak hours , when the traffic is more intense. It is recommended, also, to keep the windows closed during the day to prevent the entry of particulate matter and preferred, therefore, the ventilation of closed rooms, during the night hours. “We also need to try to spend the day in the open air away from the smog, perhaps into the weekend,” adds the expert. “For those who do physical activity it is well to avoid to carry it out during the hours with the highest traffic in the morning, and prefer the green areas”. Particular attention should be made for the smallest: in addition to avoid making them go out in the peak hours, it would be better to use bands and backpacks are provided so that they are higher. The stroller, in fact, exposes them to a greater amount of particulate matter that is close to the ground, stresses the expert, their respiratory system is not yet fully developed.
The mediterranean diet Among the strategies to defend themselves from the smog, there are those who also appeal to the power supply. According to a recent study at New York University, in fact, the mediterranean diet is able to reduce the negative effects of air pollution because in and of itself counteracts the development of cardiovascular disease and mortality. During the period of the study, the researchers observed that the mortality was higher in the most polluted areas, but still more limited among people who followed a healthy diet. “Those who live in cities polluted inhale oxidising substances,” says Prince. “Certainly, the mediterranean diet, characterized by vegetables and fruit rich in antioxidants, can not be recommended because it counteracts the effect of the polluting agents”.

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The risks for those who live in cities polluted The people who live in a polluted city, are most at risk of developing the disease breathing, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma (and for those who already may widen further), and cardiovascular disease, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemic diseases. “Numerous scientific studies show that air pollution causes an increase of these diseases,” says Prince. “An increase of 10 nanograms over the limit of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of fine dust, which arrive to the bronchi and lung alveoli and pass into the circulation, leads to an increase of 24% in cardiovascular disease, 76% of the cardiovascular mortality and 35% of the events brain”, explains the expert, while also highlighting as a study, coordinated by researchers Francesco Forestiere and Alessandra Boat, has also highlighted an increase in the number of admissions for these diseases.

It also estimates that air pollution is responsible for 30 thousand deaths a year only in Italy. For this reason, explains the expert, have to take compulsorily the traffic control systems. “Although it is not the solution, this strategy is definitely more rapid for lower levels of particulate matter in the air.”

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