He won the freedom of expression. After about a thousand days, since yesterday evening it is possible in Turkey to access Wikipedia, the largest encyclopedia online. The Authority, Turkish Telecommunication (Btk), reports the news agency the national, Anadolu, has unlocked access to the website following the publication in the Official Journal of the reasons for the judgment of the Constitutional Court.

on The 26th of December, the Court of the Turkish had declared that the blockade established by the Btk in April 2017, on the basis of a law that allows the closure of web sites that spread contents that threaten national security, violated the freedom of expression, “as guaranteed by article 26 of the Constitution”.

The ban was imposed due to some of the pages in which he spoke of the alleged relationship between Turkey and some of the terrorist groups in Syria. Wikipedia had turned to the Constitutional Court in may 2017, after that had been rejected by an appeal to a lower court. The case ended up before the European Court of human rights.