LONDON. For whom the bell tolls of the Brexit? From days in the United Kingdom to discuss a theme for many bizarre. And that is, to resonate, or not, the chimes of Big Ben, the famous clock tower of Westminster, at 23 of the 31 January next year, when London will leave, officially – but still not materially, to the 31st of December – the European Union?

If, for that evening, Nigel Farage said to be planning a party for 150 thousand pounds, brexiter and euro-sceptic variety, including the prime minister, Boris Johnson, are pushing for more than a week to celebrate the event on the solemn notes of Big Ben. But there are two problems. The first: it would cost a fortune. This is because the tower and its precious timepiece and are in the restructuring – and will be until at least 2022 – and to re-enable them for a single occasion, according to initial estimates and technical personnel necessary, then they are of even 500 thousand pounds. Too many. Therefore, some brexiter fanatics as the deputy registrar Mark François, are thinking to bring to Westminster on the evening of the Brexit speakers, and speakers to simulate the chimes of Big Ben and then we can celebrate the exit from the Eu.

then There is a second problem: not everyone agrees. If the eurosceptics on the 31st of December will be a day to celebrate, for many others the exit from the Eu means almost a time of mourning. Another idea of the anti-europeanists, in fact, is to make the sound, always on the 23 of January 31st, the bells of the local churches. But many priests do not want to be manipulated politically, and you are rejected. The war of the bells continues. And for those who will play?

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