The FIRST of the singer’s 25-year-old Justin Biebe r has plagued other star, the tv host of the house of our Victoria Cabello model Bella Hadid , up to another singer, Avril Lavigne . Also, as the popstar canadian, spoke publicly of the calvary lived with the Lyme disease .

Known as Lyme borreliosis , a name which is that of the american city in which was described the first case in 1975, this disease is transmitted by the sting ticks infected by a specific group of bacteria (the pathogenic agent is the Borrelia). And, as the report from the Epicenter, the portal of epidemiology, edited by the Istituto superiore di sanità (Iss), is today the most widespread and important disease transmitted by the carrier diffusion in the geographical areas in temperate. Second, for a number of cases, malaria is among the diseases that require a vector artropode for the spread. The infection affects the skin, joints, nervous system and internal organs . Can manifest with symptoms that are severe, persistent, and, if it is not treated, it becomes chronic. The main problem is that to diagnose it is very complex. First of all, because the first symptoms of the disease are intermittent and changing. And laboratory tests are not always able to confirm or exclude a definitive disease.

READ Bella Hadid and mom Yolanda fight together against Lyme disease

Their contract infection , however, is not to develop immunity, and then you can stumble several times in a disease. The disease that first manifests with a red patch that expands slowly. Within a few weeks (sometimes months), you can develop neurological disorders that can lead to joint and muscle pain in meningitis, polineuriti, linfocitoma of the skin, and myocarditis. The symptoms are fluctuating and can last for months. In the last stage of the disease, even years after infection, may develop chronic arthritis, and alterations of the central and peripheral nervous system, skin and the cardiovascular system.
In europe In Europe, there are different agents of infection: the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi sensu striatum, which is the only one present in North America (where they are then available vaccines targeted to a single pathogen), the Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii present in Europe, Asia and Africa.
The Italy with regard To Italy, the epidemiological data are limited and make reference to around a thousand cases of Lyme borreliosis that would have occurred in the period 1992-1998. The regions most affected by the disease are the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Trentino Alto Adige (autonomous Province of Trento), while in the regions of the centre and south and in the islands, the reports are sporadic. The most recent estimate of the Italian Group of study on Lyme disease that about 500 new cases each year in our Country.