LONDON – THE “mini-deal” that is the mini-arrangements will be made for a solution, temporary, for the delicate negotiations in the future between the United Kingdom and the european Union after the forthcoming Brexit? For the first time today, to the direct question of the Republic, Downing Street has opened up this hypothesis: “unlike the executive earlier”, replied a spokesman, “now this government will not apply the more the mantra “nothing is agreed until everything is agreed”, that is, “agreement on nothing if there is no agreement on everything”. Translated: yes, the “mini-deal”, i.e. agreements in a first time only on some aspects of the complicated future relations, especially trade, between the two Countries, are a hypothesis more concrete. Especially to avoid a “No Deal”, a daring exit of the United Kingdom without the agreement by the Eu by 31 December 2020.

This is because the 31st December is – at the moment – the deadline to close this second phase of the negotiations on the relations post-Brexit between the two blocks, after that the United Kingdom will be officially released by the Eu on the 31st of January. And it is – once again – the clash between London and Brussels: as his metaphor for “better dead in a ditch defer” as stated in the past, today the british prime minister Boris Johnson absolutely does not want to go beyond the 2020 with the negotiations, because it is convinced that a “comprehensive trade agreement could be easily reached, on the model of Canada,” he said today.

too bad that Canada has used in the past approximately seven years to find a free trade agreement with Europe. For this reason, the Eu considers it impossible to find an agreement and an all-in within the next 31 December. “Times are tight”, said the president of the Eu Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen during a visit to London where he met with premier Johnson, “an agreement in full by 2020 is impossible.” “Full”, in fact. But, instead, to pieces, maybe reaching a general agreement on some fundamental points (such as security and services) by the end of the year, then return months/years later the rest at this point is a hypothesis that it takes more and more share. “Without an extension of the transition period beyond 2020,” continued Von der Leyen, “the times are going to be inevitably a very narrow and one cannot expect agreement on every single aspect. We should have priority”.

former Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance minister) in the uk Phil Hammond just a few weeks ago in an interview with the Republic ( ) had mentioned about the hypothesis of “mini-agreements” to exit from the mire of Brexit: ‘The only solution will be to make a mini-deal by 2020, followed by other mini-solutions in time, while London will negotiate agreements with other Countries. Because the process in whole will last at least 6-7 years. Everyone will want to come to terms, and at the end you will come to the mini-agreements, maintaining rates and tariffs to zero on almost all the trade. Also why the Eu has grown very little in recent years, like us. The Brexit is now a reality, you have to understand it”.

“The meeting between Johnson and Von der Leyen has been positive,” said Downing Street in the evening, “the Uk wants a new, positive relationship with the Eu, and a large” (note, not full) “trade agreement on goods and services, including the cooperation in other areas. London is ready to start negotiations on the future partnership and a free trade agreement style Canada as soon as possible after 31 January.” But Johnson has also “been clear that the United Kingdom does not extend the transitional period beyond 31 December 2020″ and that the agreement with the Eu will not mean “any type of alignment or the jurisdiction of the european Court of justice”. In addition, “the United Kingdom will also keep the control over the fishing waters in the british on our immigration system”. In other words, another must-win game of the Brexit starts now.

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