Is always more serious the alarm fires in Australia. In New South Wales and Victoria has been declared a state of emergency: we are in front of some of the most dangerous and catastrophic fires that Australia has ever seen. Only in New South Wales have been burned more than 4 million hectares, equal to the double of the Lombardy region, and the number increases. According to the latest estimates from the University of Sydney, about 480 million mammals, birds, reptiles, and other animals are dead because of the devastating forest fires of 2019, while in the Blue Mountains only in November and December is gone, burned 50% of the natural reserves.

In a report of the Wwf, adding that it’s estimated that 8 thousand koalas scattered into the flames, that in the north coast of New South Wales have already killed about 30% of the entire population of this species. “A news serious, given that in the entire region, and-before they started the incend, i – i koala were only about 28,000. The majority of koalas on the east coast of australia, in fact, lives within the Triangle of the Koala’, the region in which the species could be extinct in just 30 years,” says the Wwf.

“because of climate change, the fires will become more frequent and there is concern that entire species of animals and plants endemic to Australia, could be lost forever. Also Kangaroo Island, the island of kangaroos as well as a destination much sought after by tourists, has been evacuated to the emergency fire: another treasure trove of nature devoured by the flames that no one can see as before”, says the environmental organization.

The guilty, “first of all, the drought and the scalding temperatures, caused by global warming, which have transformed the forest in the prey easily divorabili from the flames”. To explain this Isabella Pratesi, director of the Conservation program of Wwf Italy, which in these days is in Tasmania. Right there, more than 400 kilometers from the australian coast in the past few days the sky is covered with smoke. “A large part of Tasmania has been shrouded by the smoke of fires on the east coast of Australia. The magnitude of the devastation is huge and the wind bears witness up in New Zealand,” explains Isabella Pratesi, adding that “in Australia are burning the last natural forests of eucalyptus trees and to go up in flames it’s not just these extraordinary trees with the koala, but also possums, kangaroos, large and small, wallaby, wombat, platypus and echidna”. “It is true that the fires in Australia are part of the ecological processes,” continues Pratesi, “but what is happening today is of a completely different, and in a context completely transformed. To burn are the last pieces of the natural ecosystems on which we can absolutely give it up”.

Already, a report by the australian government that dates back to 2009, indicated as “climate projections modeled show that a large part of southern Australia, may become more hot and dry. This forecast suggests that, by 2020, the days of fire danger extreme in south-eastern Australia may occur from 5 to 65% more than is currently the case”. Wwf launches an appeal: “Now you need a strong commitment and urgent attention of the governments to combat climate change and to avoid that the impacts are more violent, we need to limit global warming to 1.5°C, and then zero CO2 emissions well before 2050”.

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