SYDNEY – “This is not a forest fire, is an atomic bomb”, said to Abc Radio Sydney Andrew Constance, the minister of transport of New South Wales, comparing the fire of the southern Coast to “an explosion of atomic. It is indescribable the hell and devastation that he has caused.”

The authorities are preparing for a new dangerous phase of the fires that stannao ravaging Australia in September. In these days, the relief operations are hampered by high temperatures and strong winds, destined to aggravate the already devastating fire conditions throughout the Country. It is feared that a number of fires still angry can come together to create “monsters of hell” in Victoria and in New South Wales.

emergency Alerts have been issued in Victoria and in New South Wales, with scorching temperatures and winds are unpredictable in arrival, up to more than 100 km/h, which feed hundreds of fires that continue to burn the large part of eastern Australia. Were deployed thousands of firefighters, but it is feared that the flames may spread into regions untouched.

In the meantime, an image of devastation is emerging on the island Kangaroo Island, South Australia – half of the houses have been razed to the ground by a fire out of control which has killed at least two people. Today, the first Minister, Scott Morris, who is at risk, the chair will seriously, today announced the deployment of 3000 reservists of the defence forces. The navy australian sailed from Sydney to assist the evacuations of the fires in New South Wales and also in Victoria.

Many celebrities have shared their hearts broken during the crisis of the fires in Australia, flocking on social media to express their devastation as the temperatures in New South Wales and up and thousands of people flee.

The superstar of national and international were down in the field to collect the funds, and can help tame the fires. The singer Pink has said on Twitter that it will donate 500 thousand dollars “directly to local fire departments that are fighting so hard in the first line”.

The singer-songwriter has written have been “totally devastated”. Actress Naomi Watts has posted on Instagram a video of his recent holiday in Byron Bay, New South Wales: “This crisis is shocking and worrying. This was my last eve in Byron, To get an idea of the sound regular of the wildlife, please, turn up the volume. The fires were really horrendous. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones and homes. Great gratitude to the brave firefighters that never stopped during the holidays. Broken heart for all animals, plants and earth … pray for rain. “

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This was my last eve in Byron, NSW, Australia. To get a sense of how beautiful the wildlife regularly sounds… Please turn up the volume. The fires have been truly horrendous. It’s so upsetting and worrying. So much wildlife already lost. And still much of the summer ahead. My heart goes out to those who’ve lost loved ones and homes. Big gratitude to the brave firemen who literally haven’t stopped during the holidays!! ?? Heartbroken for all the animals, plants and land… ?? for rain ?? #tbt ??????

A post shared by Naomi Watts (@naomiwatts) date:

The tennis player Nick Kyrgios, who has promised, in tears, to donate $ 200 for every point made this summer, on Friday, has already made 20 against the German Jan-Lennard Struff, bringing his total to 4 thousand dollars.

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Prayers and thoughts to everyone involved ???? Firefighters, animals, families, don’t lose faith.

A post shared by NK (@k1ngkyrg1os) date:

After that its the property of Coffs Harbour was hit by the flames at the end of the year, Russell Crowe has reported the fire on Twitter and Instagram. By publishing a series of images taken near his home, the actor wrote in November: “still Burns … they say that a change of the wind may return to life in the valley. I hope that wherever you are, in Australia, in California or in any other place affection by forest fires, may you be safe.”

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Still burning… they say a wind change might crank things up again in the valley. I hope wherever you are in Australia, or California or anywhere else facing bushfires , that you and yours remain safe.

A post shared from Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) date:

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