BENGHAZI – The marshal Khalifa Haftar, who launched from April 4 of last year, the campaign for the taking of Tripoli, he called on the population to “general mobilization” and the “jihad” against a possible intervention by the Turkish military in Libya in support of the Government of national agreement. “We accept the challenge and declare the jihad (the holy war (islamic) and the general mobilization,” said Haftar, in a speech delayed by the television network al-Hadath.

Meanwhile, the Un secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, has warned of the Turkey (without stating explicitly) by the sending of troops to Libya: “Any foreign support to the warring parties in the Country, he said, “will only aggravate the conflict and complicate efforts to find a peaceful solution”. Guterres stressed in a statement that “the continuing violations of the arms embargo imposed by the security Council not to make things worse”.

In a recent report, the Un experts in charge of controlling the application of the embargo, established in 2011, they detected violations both on the part of the Turkey (on behalf of the Government of national agreement) from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (in favor of the marshal Haftar). “A strict observance of the embargo, it is essential to create an environment conducive to the cessation of hostilities,” said Guterres, renewing the appeal to an immediate ceasefire in Libya and a return to a political dialogue by all parties”.

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