In these minutes the skies of the Mediterranean are crossed by a huge bridge in the air. Dozens of cargo americans move at full speed in the Middle East the reinforcements to deal with the escalation with Iran. With their tanks steering wheels that allow you to replenish the squadrons in the travel tirelessly along the Ocean. A procession of jet began just before new year’s Eve, mind, the u.s. embassy in Baghdad was under siege, and intensified in hour after hour. Not seen anything of its kind since 2003, with mobilization in view of the invasion of Iraq. And this migration army now begins to affect well in Italy, with numerous landings on the base of Aviano.

Impossible to quantify the alignment: it can be assumed that at least five thousand soldiers in two days they reached the stations closest to the crisis area. The spotters who monitor the traffic on the trade routes can only detect the transport aircraft, forced to turn on the alerts in order to avoid impacts with the scheduled flights. Can’t see the movements of fighters and bombers, which are invisible along the “lanes” reserved for them, and many of the cargo. But even this analysis is limited makes you realize how glowing the situation.