AMONG the ten persons of the year in Science, Nature has also added to the Greta Thunberg . It is a significant choice. Is not a scientist and did not even 17 years old, and his “resume” is very different from the other personalities in the list. However, the movement to which he gave life with his strikes for the climate and the Fridays for the Future, which continue to bring young people into the streets in all over the world to ask for policies to reduce emissions and safeguard the Planet, they have unleashed an unprecedented support to the research and the value of the scientific data. Phenomenon that, unfortunately, has not prevented the failure of the last global climate conference, the Cop25 of Madrid.

Next to her, on the list compiled by the magazine’s most prestigious science, are this year’s other personalities who fight for the environment, the preservation of the fragile balance of the Earth and of biodiversity. And who, in other sectors, is projected to the future, for the research of innovative techniques and technologies that will improve in the next few years of our life: from genetic engineering to quantum computers, and who urges you to investigate the border between life and death.