As we know from the sources of Pd in calabria, Mario Oliverio could take a step back and give up a run to the regional for a re-election for governor. The outgoing president will collect, therefore, the appeal of Nicola Zingaretti, today he’s been asked openly to make prevail the reasons of the unit. The secretary of the Pd has invited the governor of the outgoing to “support this process of change and renewal” in the field with the application of Pippo Callipo “also in order not to lose the work done in these years.”

Also, Zingaretti pointed out that the division of the center – right with the former mayor of Cosenza, Mario Occhiuto’s ready to run against the candidate of Forza Italia Jole Santelli – “opens a new scenario, putting us in a position to compete and win with a Callipo, a challenge that a few weeks ago seemed impossible. We have two objectives before us: to fight and defeat the ‘Ndrangheta and bar the way to the worst right emerged in Italy after the fascist period”.

“The appeal of the secretary of my party does not leave me indifferent, is the answer Oliverio on Facebook – All the forces that in these months with me have worked in this direction, with generosity and in the exclusive interest of Calabria, will be once more in these hours committed to assess in a responsible manner the on-going development. To this end, the coalition of centre-left, already convened for tomorrow for the completion of the lists, will evaluate the situation”.

Oliver also claims to have always worked for the unity: “Already in the past few weeks – adds the – I insisted in the search of a reconstruction unit, and in this sense I have declared my availability to work with conviction. On the other hand, my history has never known such selfishness and personalism”.

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