Contemplative Advent? Not this year, not on Capitol hill. The Democrats have launched Impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump the next frantic Phase, which should end very soon, in the specific charges against the US President. The basis of the report by the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives on Tuesday released to the investigation in the Ukraine affair forms. The Democrats get to the conclusion that Trump had abused his office by exercising pressure on Ukraine, investigations against the democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to be incorporated. With his “serious misconduct” have the President, the national security of the United States to undermine. On Tuesday night, the house intelligence Committee wants to transfer the report to the judiciary Committee.

Already this Wednesday, it then comes in the judiciary Committee to further consultation. There are no diplomats and government employees will occur, however, no witnesses, more directly involved in the events, so. Instead, the judiciary Committee of four has invited law professors. You should talk about the constitutional basis for impeachment of the President, about what is meant by the formulation “treason, bribery or other serious crimes and Misdemeanors” which the Constitution identifies as possible reasons for Impeachment.

Trump retains strategy

Also Trumps lawyers for the justice invited the Committee to Express the views of the presidents. The White house dismissed the invitation, but. Trump’s legal representatives Pat Cipollone said that it had no interest in an “academic discussion” to participate. Trump’s strategy is, the Impeachment inquiry as a purely party political event for the Democrats to dismiss. With the participation in the hearings, so the calculus in the White house, would legitimize the process only..

Some Democrats also want to bring Trumps of obstruction of Justice for prosecution, which had documented special investigator Robert Mueller. But that would prolong the procedure in addition.

And so the substance of the defence leaves it to Trump the Republicans in Congress. This published on Monday a report on Ukraine investigation. It is 123 pages long, but with a different: Trump has done nothing wrong. According to the Republicans, there was either no attempt Trumps, military aid to the Ukraine, to hold back, to move to this investigation, or there was an attempt, but it was justified because of the widespread corruption in the country.

A growing number of Republicans now say also about an alleged interference by the Ukraine to go in the presidential election in 2016, the Trump right to the bottom of wanted. For such interference, there is no evidence, and the claim contradicts the investigations of the US intelligence services and various congressional committees. Trump is not going to take care of: To lack of restraint in his party, he needs to make in the face of such dislocations continue to Worry.

Among the Democrats in the judiciary Committee a discussion about it, on the contrary, how many charges do you want to develop against the President. Some members are asking to bring the Trumps of obstruction of Justice for prosecution, the special investigator Robert Mueller had documented in his Russia-investigation. This would, however, have a longer procedure to follow. The party leadership, Nancy Pelosi, and tends, therefore, to limit Impeachment to the Ukraine affair.

time pressure because of the election campaign

Among the Democrats in the judiciary Committee a discussion running on the other hand, how many charges do you want to develop against the President. Some members are calling for, to bring the obstruction of Justice Trumps for the prosecution, the special investigator Robert Mueller had documented in his Russia-investigation. This would, however, have a longer procedure to follow. The party leadership, Nancy Pelosi, and tends, therefore, to limit Impeachment to the Ukraine affair. This also has to do with the fact that the Democrats are running out of time: you want to vote in the house of representatives must still, in December, on an indictment of Trump. The output would be due to the democratic majority in the chamber in sight: a Impeachment to Christmas.

the reason for the rush is the democratic presidential election campaign in January in the decisive Phase. So then if in the Republican-controlled Senate, the process would begin which could lead to a conviction, or – much more likely – to a discharge to the President. It is not a collision, which want to avoid the Democrats – if it is already too late.

Created: 03.12.2019, 21:46 PM