On an IQ map of the world the Chinese, with very high values. You are more intelligent than Europeans? There is no evidence for ethnic differences in the biological basis of intelligence. People from the far East have no other brain than we are and are not able to process the information per se more efficient. In some intelligence tests, the Chinese cut off, however very well, in particular for the visualization of Information. This may have to do the very extensive Practice of the Chinese, with their symbol font system.

How do you explain that Estonia has now received such good grades? In a small country can implement good ideas faster. Alone, for statistical reasons, but also that values for measurements in smaller groups more likely to be extreme in both Good and Bad.

“In a small country can implement good ideas faster.”

Is it easier for students to not do their research instead of the Internet, in a Textbook, in which there are as many answers to a question? , One must always take into account that the information given there to God and therefore to use also with caution. The example of Estonia shows that the digitisation of education apparently has no drawbacks. But it depends a lot of how well teachers convey to their students the lesson material.

Switzerland is good in math, in science and reading something bad. How do you explain this? The secondary school teacher of mathematics a good Job what is not affected, but automatically on the performance at the Gymnasium, as other studies show. In the case of the natural Sciences, it is certainly a Problem that in Switzerland there is much to late to start. We have shown in a study with 13’000 students, that it is very useful to start already in primary school the third grade with the teaching of physics. Girls and boys have learned a the same more. In reading literacy, the Switzerland must catch up, because this is an important prerequisite for all the other subjects.

Created: 03.12.2019, 20:03 PM