the Helsinki district court set the Sisco Corporation’s bankruptcy and decided to reject the company’s application for access to the corporate restructuring. A subsidiary of Sisco Apartments was declared bankrupt by the summer.

Wooden houses factory-manufactured modules for the construction of a pneumothorax, a siscon, but the rise of a stir, when yle’s MOT-delivery revealed in the summer the company’s extensive abuse.

the Company’s former employees told the MOT for the systematic omissions of the construction quality and construction control in several cities to experience themselves in the company of the weight of the why. Residents are afraid of having their mistakes pay.

the Police began to figure out the company’s activities in the summer. The criminal has been studied, inter alia, aggravated debtor’s dishonesty, aggravated embezzlement and aggravated fraud.

Read more: MOT – from their Homes to the prisoners

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