Friday’s football celebrations is sparked again concern Havis Amanda -statue of the duration of the ability, and, for example, the capital’s public art similar to the Helsinki art museum has become rich in concern contacts hulinoinnin due.

Raavaiden men climbing over a hundred years-old bronze statue on top has got already politicians consider whether Helsinki’s main attractions include the Ville vallgren’s creation transfer safe indoors and replaced by a copy.

the Helsinki art museum director Maija Tanninen-Mattila , such a measure is not the problem necessarily solved.

– Manta transfer of the interior and replacement of the replikalla contains the message that can now, then climb on safely, because a copy of the break no longer need to watch out for. Celebrate for this is of course a security risk, because public art is not designed for climbing, but watch for.

Copy would also be a costly solution, which Tanninen-Mattila estimates that would cost hundreds of thousands of euros.

– First you should make a mold and moulding quality of the engine and also select the works suitable for the material. A copy would be in addition to a completely different statue than the original. Manta has amazing crafts and its surface has a wonderful patina, so perfect copy it shouldn’t be done, not in any.

the Great public events of Tanninen-Mattila tilt would rather Manta protection.

Framework would be one solution, but in some situations it might crash the fountain and the statue on top of the rack on top you can climb up to. A better solution could be a vigilante and security, which not necessarily would be the fence.

the Helsinki mayor Jan Vapaavuori announced today tviitissään he was of the same opinion.

Sergelin square to celebrate the Swedish ice hockey world championships in 1998.EPARuotsissa I be fountains

Havis Amanda is not only a statue or a fountain, around which are celebrated more or less drastically, especially sports-related profits.

in Stockholm people gather to rejoice Sergelin to the market, and often then heat the dip in a square Sergelfontän-fountain. The 2015 football under 21 championship the championship party got so wild that the fountain will damage.

– on a day like this is just a fun, young football player Ludwig Augustinsson said what happened.

Swimming in 1968, graduated at Sergelfontänenissa is, in principle, prohibited. The fountain in the middle is also the glass surface of the obelisk, by nearly 40 meters in height no one so far have a party in the context of trying to climb. For comparison, Havis Amanda, the height is only five meters.

sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg sports profits celebration focuses on götaplatsen in the square around the fountain.

in may of This year, the hockey team Frölundan supporters are celebrating the Swedish championships swam by the fountain. At the same time cheer was a fountain adorned with a Poseidon statue on a pedestal, but in fact the sea god was left alone.

the Copenhagen Havis Amanda, the famous Little mermaid statue is located in the city of harbor beach stones, so I’m not around is not a massive sports celebration so far not perceived. The little mermaid has been terrorised on several occasions and it has inter alia been disconnected and stolen the head.

Real Madrid celebrating in Plaza de Cibeles square, in 2017. Santi Donaire / EPA1700-century statues decorating, but gently. Santi Donaire / EPAEspanjassa statues are treated tenderly

in Spain, Real Madrid football club won the party, the central point is formed since the 1980s the Madrid Palazo de Cibeles square and the Greek fertility goddess Kybeleä the 1700-century, completed the statue.

the people’s party in connection with the statue behind is built a stairway, along which the football players get to decorate it, for example, a sports club with scarves and flags. The statue of the local environment is protected from the public.

Atletico Madrid -the team’s fans meeting place is again formed Neptuno-fountain of the environment. In this case, the fountain statues to decorate, but on it is not allowed to climb. At times, the football players also kissed the statue gently.

Last year, thousands of French football fans invaded the London world cup-winning. Piccadilly Circus’s Eros statue on the top of the climb and it was covered with tricolor-flag. Photos and videos from the event are a lot like the last Friday of expenditure in Helsinki, except that no one managed to climb to the statue’s head and bobs up between heaven and earth.

meanwhile, in France, out of hand left the football party forced police to use tear gas and in some places French city streets resemble a fucking war zone. For example, in Montpellier and Bordeaux fountains and historical monuments were subjected to a severe test people jump and climbing on top of them.

the Dutch football hooligans left the Barcaccia baroque fountain this year 2015. Vincenzo Tersigni / EPAPatsaita protected mainly during the war

in the Year 2015 in Italy got in trouble: the Dutch Feyenoord football team, drunken fans arrived in Rome and began to make trouble. Piazza di Spagnalla they, inter alia, the beat bottle in the 1600-century Barcaccia just the restoration of a baroque fountain. The monument was damaged and it came off pieces.

As has been the Tampere central square fountain, which is in the previous people’s party left the parts off. The fountain measures were taken to protect the already in 2004 in the winter the glass dome. Last Friday of the celebrations that emerge unscathed.

Otherwise in Finland is protected by the public art mainly during the war. At that time, for example, Felix nylund’s Three smiths statue was taken from bombardment safe tikkurila and was buried in gravel pit.

Mantaa another protection, especially on labor day. Since 1990 it has been stipulated that lakittaja is the art museum of the permit and that using a crane. Had the statue in don’t climb on that.

the Helsinki art museum director Maija Tanninen-Mattila it is hoped that, for example, the Havis Amanda would remain also subsequent generations is admirable and that the statue should be treated accordingly.

– We are the Helsinki art museum to be a party pooper, but it would be great that future generations are also able to celebrate these fabulous athletic performance, the Manta around.

– Manta is a wonderful joy of life message to work and I understand well that it is a selective celebration of the central point. Manta has loved art, but between these expressions of love can be too drastic, Tanninen-Mattila amount.

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