Although the international emissions regulation is developed, waste is calculated into the sea still in a heated pace.

the Causes of marine litter are many: the ports are not everywhere been able to take the waste, control has been inadequate, and waste supply to processing countries have been shipowners tempting.

shipping soon reform law applies not only to merchant ships including pleasure vessels. We compiled three things that at least variable vessels in waste management, so that litter can be relegated to a.

the World’s waters is estimated at up to hundreds of thousands of tons of plastic waste.

1. The ships must be left to the waste port

the European union is intensifying its maritime legislation so that its waters ports, sailing of the ships would continue to leave all of their waste to the ports for processing. Port, in turn, requires the capacity to accept the waste and sort them for recycling.

ministry of Transport and communications of unit Update anti quarks according to the reform aims to ensure that the ship does not end up your waste in the sea.

– Aims to reduce marine litter and, for example, plastic waste enters the marine environment.

in Finland, the situation in many ports already good, but the ports are not all under the EU sea area been able to take the waste. The reform aims to improve waste reception in all EU sea areas and ports.

–the Baltic sea the situation is quite good, but new legislation aims to tackle the EU-wide port waste reception capacity, Antikainen clarify.

separate collection by to ensure that the waste ends up for recycling or re-use.

the vessel monitoring in Finland treatment of the transport – and communication agency trafi ‘ s special expert Ville-Veikko into the mountain to keep a strict sacrificial law is important, because marine litter is the EU’s area of concern. Trafi ‘ s review most of the ships detected flaws on a regular basis.

– Although in Finland and here checks the situation is in principle better than in many other countries, to improve enough, into the mountains said.

2. Waste fees will change

Waste payment system will be reformed in such a way that the port will be introduced for the waste fee, the amount of which does not depend on how much the ships leave solid waste to the port.

the Port fee charged by the waste management charge covers completely the port, the solid waste, but, for example, oily wastes and toilet waste will continue to be charged to the EU territory as a separate payment.

the payment system reform aims to make waste drop ports to the shipping companies attractive. In finland and other Baltic sea countries more supportive of the payment system is already in use, but now the system is being extended to the entire EU marine region.

ministry of Transport and communications head of unit Päivi anti one according to the reform aims that ships should leave all their waste to the port.

– at the Same time regulated by it, that the port has sufficient capacity to take the waste against.

eco friendly classified under vessels, i.e. ships, which generate only little waste, given the new payment system discount. Discounts can also receive so-called transport ships.

specialist Ville-Veikko into a mountain of statistics Finland, the waste fee is levied on vessels, even if they do not waste a port dump. He said that this has encouraged ships to leave their waste to the port for processing. In finland, the fee also covers the toilet waste and oily waste.

This is obtained, for example, illegal discharges of oil well under control, and this work certainly elsewhere.

3. Supervision will be intensified sampling

Also control is added.

in the Future check at least 15% of all ports in each year of the vessels. Control attacks targeted vessels risk mapping on the basis of. In finland, this means about 270 c. at the beginning of each year.

While Finland is of ship waste management the starting point in many EU countries the above, the set of reform challenges also here.

the revised Legislation also applies to pleasure vessels, and into the mountain, this would mean in Finland, an entirely new control system construction.

Control requires that someone do it. At the moment, in particular pleasure craft control does not have sufficient resources.

in finland, too, the face is the reflection that, whether the pleasure craft supervision, for example, Traficom, the police or the Finnish border guard – or should we put some controls, say, on the capability.

the New maritime legislation comes into force and a half years later, in the summer of 2021.

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