these are the facts. Who wants to you know, not knowing you, it will take the public hearings, with which the Democrats start now in Congress. And there are in Washington, except for Trump virtually anyone who wants to give the nakedness, to deny these facts is seriously the best.

What there is, however, in any number, are to excuse the Republican deputies and senators who ignore these facts, or play down; the Democrats around to hack, because they have brought the facts to light; or, and this is the most recent variant, which acknowledge the facts although, you wegzuerklären but try at the same time, they say, Donald Trump – after all, the man you praise otherwise, as a very great President – just be intellectually limited and emotionally unstable, to be able to be held responsible for what he has done.

It is not a question of promoting new facts to light, but the Republicans into a corner.Source

This is not flattering for the President. But as long as the Republicans talk so, must Trump not to Worry. His defense strategy against impeachment is to defame it as a party tactically motivated vendetta by the Democrats. This is only possible, if no Republican will overflow, and the Impeachment be a part of. Much more important than what his friends say about him, is for Trump, therefore, that none of them is true in the house of representatives or in the Senate against him.

The knowledge of the Democrats. That’s why you are hearing this Wednesday to testify against Trump on live TV. It is not, therefore, to promote the new facts to light, but to drive the Republicans into a corner. The political price that they must pay for it, that you defend a President who has broken his oath of office, is expected to rise.

The concern for democracy should be instructed to be bigger than the elections

Would Trump the loyalty or the Affection of the Republicans in Congress, then he could pack well. Neither the one nor the other exists in sufficiently large mass, in order to guarantee his remaining in office. Instead, the President expects that the bare fear saves him: the fear of the Republican members of the house that the own party are in revolt trailer, and you throw it out, if you stand against Trump; and the fear of the party that the presidential election will be lost next year if she gets rid of now by Impeachment of their candidates.

The fear that American democracy might be irreparable damage, if Trump ruled, not on the weight of the fear of the Republicans before the crash in the Opposition. Also part of the truth: Trump is doing what he’s doing. But it is the cowardice of the Republicans who let him get away with it.

Created: 12.11.2019, 20:59 PM