Israel killed a military leader of the militant Palestinian organization Islamic Jihad during a night air assault in a targeted manner. Palestinian militants responded to the death of Baha Abu al-Ata, and his wife on Tuesday with massive rocket attacks on Israeli areas.

Also in Tel Aviv, the sirens wailed several times, to hear explosions were. According to the Israeli Ministry of foreign Affairs since the morning hours were fired about 190 rockets. 60 of them had been intercepted by the defense system Iron Dome (iron dome). In addition, a targeted Israeli air strikes in the Northern Gaza strip five Jihad were killed-members who wanted to fire after poor data rockets at Israel.

The Jihad was called the deadly attack on its military chief, a “Declaration of war” of Israel, there had been exceeded so that “all red lines”. According to Syrian figures were killed in another Israeli air strike on a other Jihad leaders in Damascus, Akram Al-Adjuri, two people. Al-Adjuri itself had only been injured.

Netanyahu: “Ticking bomb”

De Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Abu Al Ata, as “the Central person responsible for terror attacks from the Gaza strip”. After the deliberations of the security Cabinet in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu said, the military chief standing behind attacks with hundreds of missiles, and was planning new attacks. “He was a ticking bomb.”

at the same time stressed to Netanyahu that Israel was not interested in further escalation. Israel’s army chief Avi Kochavi said, if necessary, the military was to further targeted killings ready.

The escalation fuelled fears of a new war in Gaza and sparked international concern. According to the media, Egypt and the United Nations effort reports, behind-the-Scenes intensive in order to a calming of the situation.

in view of the escalation, the Israeli army had called up reservists. It was several Hundred reserve soldiers, a spokesman said in Tel Aviv. The news site “ynet” reported, they were mainly for the air force, military intelligence and civil protection. The new Israeli defence Minister Naftali Bennett have also in regions with a distance of up to 80 kilometers from the Gaza strip a “special situation” was declared.

Several injured in Israel

From the Gaza strip, fired missiles, struck, according to Israeli media reports directly in houses in Netivot and Kerem Shalom in southern Israel, as well as on a busy highway South of Tel Aviv. According to the rescue service, Magen David Adom about 40 Israelis were injured in missile injuries of attacks.

In Israel, the schools and offices from the South to the centre, remained closed. The rail traffic near the Gaza strip was stopped, according to reports in the media, partially. The army moved according to their own statements reinforced troops to the border area. The two border crossings from Israel into the Gaza strip remained closed until further notice.

calming the situation required

The EU called for an immediate end to the rocket attacks from the Gaza strip and a rapid calming of the situation in order to protect the lives of Israelis and Palestinians. Also, the Federal Department of foreign Affairs (FDFA) said in a notification on Tuesday evening, concerned about the recent violence in Israel and in the Gaza strip. It is the parties to the conflict are called on to calm the situation immediately.

The parties to the conflict urged the Department of foreign Affairs, to respect international law and particularly international humanitarian law. The population and the civilian infrastructure in Israel and in the Gaza strip would have to be protected. The EDA presented the parties to the conflict appropriate messages. The Russian government also called for, according to a spokesman “all parties to the conflict” to act with restraint.

Targeted killing in Damascus?

Abu al-Ata was Aden, a leader of the Al-Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza strip. It is considered the second most powerful extremist organization after the Islamist Hamas. In the past, both organizations had carried out terrorist attacks in Israel.

In the past, Israel had killed again and again targeted Palestinian militants, including leading members of Hamas. After the Gaza war of 2014, the military had rest in the frame of a weapon, however, this practice largely under.

Israel had conquered during the six day war in 1967, including the West Bank and the Gaza strip. It has tightened up twelve years ago, a Blockade of the Gaza strip, which is supported by Egypt. Both countries justify this with security interests. Hamas is classified by the European Union, Israel and the United States as a terrorist organization, but not from Switzerland. Hamas has the destruction of Israel on their flags. (fal/sda)

Created: 12.11.2019, 19:52 PM