the SDP city council group hope märäaikainen with the resignation of city councilman Abdirahim ”Husu” Hussein to leave also board their place in the next year until the end of June. Hussein is a member of the Helsinki education and training board.

– we Hope he’ll leave his place to the deputy commissioner. We also hope that this separation period is able to work so that he would have the chance to return to the group and act as a member of the future, said the council chairman of the group Eveliina Heinäluoma.

Yle has asked also a taxi-tweet which started the fuss in the middle of the face of hussein’s vision board work, but he has not responded.

case of this is, unfortunately, exceptional and employment.

Helsinki Taxi ceo Jari Kantonen

in July created by stress that all the delegates are working from the electorate gained the confidence of a thread. He feels that hussein’s case, trust has been broken.

– be Sure everyone understands that this council group for a specified period of separation is exceptional. It is not taken lightly, but yes then there are serious grounds, as well as of the loss of confidence that the wrong actions in respect of, July, created by comments.

in July created by however, I hope that Hussein will now be able to build trust again.

Helsinki Taxi: the Police are inquiring the case

Hussein also works as a taxi driver. He tweeted 3.11., that asked passengers to leave, when this had been insulting him in a racist manner. Later, Hussein admitted she lied to at least partially taxi ride shipping.

the Helsinki Taxi cars have cameras that save the cab rides for safety reasons. The law allows the procedure already in 2002.

the Helsinki Taxi ceo Jari Kantonen according to the police have been in touch with him regarding hussein’s controversial taxi ride video in. They could possibly be verified, what during the trip has actually happened.

– the Query has come from the police, but we’re still waiting possible the written request of the videos, Kantonen says.

Sanctions can be a wide variety

the Helsinki Taxi quality committee deals with hussein’s case next Monday. Possible penalty options are extensive: the case do not entail sanctions at all, given the note, a possible temporary ajovälitys ban, which can be, for example, 30 or 60 days, or the driver is closed out completely ajovälityksen him.

the Ceo does not want to anticipate the possible sanctions in advance. Every driver makes a service contract with a company so committed to a certain way of working.

– the Decision is the quality of the work on the hands, Kantonen says.

Kantonen, however, admit that a week and a half continued publicity around it has not been desirable.

– Case this is, unfortunately, exceptional and employment. We have, therefore, a little heat, but also to encourage feedback. The positive feedback we have received that this is selvietty our company.

Kantonen says the case is unique.

– in This case, as has not happened in the past.

the Case due to other maahanmuuttajataustai drivers have not caused any problems.

No one have reported, and I hope not, Kantonen says.

Kantonen I hope the process quickly through and found a company to provide all the authorities need to support the investigation.

see also:

SDP:no council, a group of distinguished Abdirahim “Husu” Hussein – the reasons lying, and lack of confidence

Councilman Abdirahim “Husu” Hussein confessed that she lied and is now asking for forgiveness – SDP city council group will discuss this in the next few days

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