Child care at home view of women money in the bag, even after the children are already adults.

women’s pensions are smaller than men. In large part it is due to women’s lower wages. In addition to the woman’s pension to narrow the care of the children in the home, reminiscent of the STM’s recent report (you move to another service).

Few people think of a small child to care for organizing your own pension, although maybe you should. It won’t be easy, because not everything can be measured in money, said uraäiti network for Mothers in Business president Annica Moore .

– in Care is a wonderful and child is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. But kotonaolo backfire pension purposes, and it is affecting a long time.

that’s Why a family in need would either negotiate how the costs are shared, Moore said.

What higher the income, the greater the narrowing of the pension

Mothers in Business network members in the informal survey, one-fifth answered, I hadn’t even thought of that family leave can be narrowed to a pension.

at First, it does not do it either. Pension accrues earnings-related parental allowance period, in the same way as in the course of work. Day money for about ten months. After many a parent stays home with the child and get a home care aid.

home care aid is usually a parental allowance for a considerably lower sum. Pension it to accumulate the same amount as a bit more than 700 euros in gross salary. The longer the parent is in the home, the more pension remains kertymättä.

Working experience of three years more than 100 eur pensions eur 2 400 gross salary. At the same time, family leave have been accumulated is the half the smaller. Seppo Suvela / Yle

received child home care allowance until the child turns three years. If the gross income is eur 2 400 per month, three years at home child care, the pension accrual is only about half compared to the fact that the parent had gone to the parental allowance after a period of work, Social affairs and the ministry of health in a recent report is to be calculated.

home care aid of gnaw pension the more, the higher wages are.

Before 2005, the family free from accumulation pension still considerably less. This patch of prime minister Antti Rinne (sd.) proposed last week a woman received by smaller occupational pension increase (move to another service) (HS). The proposal was knocked urgently (you move to another service) (HS).

money speech clinics?

One way to share parenting costs would be to keep the family leave so that both parents would be home at the same time, Annica Moore advises.

It was your current family leave the system very possible, because only a small part of freedom is granular to the mother. Still fathers care for their children significantly mothers less. It is particularly evident in home care support, which were paid last year, 95% of women.

Men of family leave use has increased, but the figures from last year show that fathers are still only a small part of the family free of.Seppo Suvela / Yle

Fathers ear marked for a little more than two months of freedom is used, on average only a little more than half. Parental leave, which can be used for either, their share is only three percent.

home care aid impact of the pension should be talking to already clinic, Moore suggests. In addition, the coil of the website could also be examples of how parental leave can be shared, he said.

Unemployed offers to the vicious circle

the vast Majority of families use home care support for up to 12 months. Long home care support periods of use especially for the less educated women.

in Particular, if a family has many children under school age children and the alternative is unemployed the basic allowance, home care support is the most economically profitable option. Thus is formed a vicious circle, because of the long absence from work can make it difficult to work further.

“Men would ask, because the ice family free”

the family free of the hold women, as in Finland, mothers are still considered the fathers of the preferred child carers, the STM report said. Stereotyping of men’s and women’s roles, and tasks come already from early childhood, Annica Moore said. Girls and boys may be directed to do different things. Others are brave, others good.

Father kotonaolo is also important for the attachment relationship and parenting because, says Annica Moore.Tiina Jutila / Yle

Also men on family leave are not yet all in the workplace part of the normal everyday life. The working environment is not the man necessarily by example, but many stay-at-home father works as a pioneer, Annica Moore said. This can be improved, for example by paying attention to how things are spoken.

If the senior management ever since would be a supportive atmosphere, and be asked that because the ice family free, and that you’re staying at.

“early childhood education for more resources”

Mother in Business has been my dad most of the family free from kiintiöivän reform on behalf. Dad granular free would be the message that a father’s place is at home, learning the everyday rotation, Moore said.

Also of early education quality matters. Many parents fear that teachers ‘and nurses’ time enough for a small child to care for.

– we need a brave family free reform so that both parents can be just as long with a child at home and improve early childhood education so that children under one year old can safely take the treatment, Moore insisted.

a more Equal family free of sharing would benefit all. Also the father and the child’s attachment relationship and parenting because it would be important that the dads would be at home, Moore said.

Read more:

women’s pensions one-fifth lower than men’s pensions – the difference diminished only a little

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