The most natural solution to get rid of dental pain is to visit your dentist as soon as possible. However, it is not always possible. If you can’t get an appointment with your dentist right now, you should continue to read the article to find tips on how to minimize or stop a toothache entirely while you wait for your dental appointment.

Also, more and more people prefer to use natural remedies. If you read this article, you will discover that not all dentists are competent enough. You will be surprised to find out that such tools as air water syringe gets never adequately sterilized.

Toothache can be caused by a lot of serious issues. It can be tooth decay, a damaged tooth filling, a fracture of your tooth, infected gums, and the worth is abscessed teeth. If the pain is unbearable and the complications can include the loss of the tooth or supporting bone, you should visit the hospital urgently. Do not forget that bacterial infections can spread to your entire body and in worse situations, lead to hospitalization.

The following reasons for the emergency treatment:

  • Swollen and red gums
  • A high fever
  • A red and swollen bump
  • Bleeding
  • Throbbing pain
  • Salty taste in the mouth
  • Swollen jaw

Ways to Stop a Toothache

If your pain is not caused by a severe underlying issue, such as a cavity or fracture, you can try the following tips to minimize toothache.

  1. Apply a cold compress. In order to stop or minimize your toothache, you have to do two things. The first thing is to reduce inflammation, while the second thing is to focus on interrupting the signals from the injury to your brain. The first problem can be solved by applying a cold compress or a bag of frozen vegetables for twenty minutes at a time. You should use a piece of clean cloth not to damage your skin accidentally. It is an excellent tip to get rid of blunting pain and reduce swelling.
  2. Buy an anti-inflammatory medication. Your swelling and toothache can be reduced by taking anti-inflammatory pills, for example, ibuprofen. You can take this medication every few hours, according to the prescription. We do not recommend you to take a particular medication for one time and then suddenly stop as soon as you feel relief. Your inflammation can return very soon.
  3. Rinse your mouth with salty water. This tip works great in addition to a cold compress. It is one of the best natural ways to limitate a toothache. Salty water cleans infections. Try warm, salty water to get temporary pain relief. It is also efficient for healing oral wounds and reducing inflammation. Never swallow this salty water while you rinse your mouth.
  4. Use a hot pack. Toothache can be reduced by applying a hot pack to the affected side of the jaw. You can fill a clean sock with rice to get the same result. You will need to put the rice-filled sock in the microwave and warm it up for several minutes. It is the trick to interrupt pain signals from the mouth to the brain.

  1. Acupressure. This alternative treatment can help your body release endorphins. You must find specific points on the body which are associated with oral discomfort.
  2. Peppermint tea bags. They have mild numbing properties to ease the pain for a short time. To make the effect stronger, you can cool the tea bag in the freezer for a couple of minutes.
  3. Use garlic, which is known for its medicinal properties. It can kill harmful bacteria and serve you like a toothache reliever. You just need to crush a garlic clove and make a sticky paste that you apply to the affected area.
  4. Use clove oil, which can reduce inflammation and numb oral pain. Clove oil contains eugenol, which is a natural antiseptic used for sterilizing oral wounds.


The best way to deal with dental issues is to avoid toothache in the first place. You can minimize the risk of oral problems by brushing your teeth regularly. Make sure that you follow a healthy and balanced diet, avoid sugary beverages, and smoking. These simple recommendations will save you from visiting the dentist.