After the resignation of Bolivian President Evo Morales in La Paz and nearby El Alto, many riots. As local media reported, were set in on Monday night in several buses, as well as the houses of several prominent people in the fire. In both cities, were patrolling government troops in the night.

The public transport companies of La Paz said dozens of protesters had stormed the facilities of the operation and buses set on fire. The media showed Videos of burning buses.

Waldo Albarracín, the Director of a citizens ‘ Committee, the Morales to resign had asked, shared on Twitter a Video of his burning house. Albarracín made members of the party of Morales for the arson responsible.

the television presenter Casimira Lema said her house had been burned down. The former Minister, Juan Ramón Quintana, reported in the Bolivian television, his house had been looted by Unknown.

Embassy of Venezuela, occupied

In the Bolivian government, La Paz – seat constitutional capital of Bolivia is Sucre has been occupied by the Embassy of Venezuela by masked protesters. “We’re fine and we’re safe, but you want to organize a massacre,” said the Venezuelan Ambassador Crisbeylee Gonzalez to the state news Agency ABI. The demonstrators were equipped with “dynamite,” she said.

In the night the Bolivian patrolled niche army in the streets of La Paz and in El Alto. The police, however, had been in the past few days, partially to the side of the government critical demonstrators, carried out no patrols. The United Nations informed, meanwhile, UN Secretary-General António Guterres was “deeply concerned” about the developments in Bolivia. He urge all Parties “to renounce violence, to defuse tensions and to exercise maximum restraint”, it said in a statement by its speaker.

resignation after electoral fraud suspected

On Sunday, Morales had announced after the week-long protests because of probable fraud in the presidential election for his resignation. Previously, he had also lost the support of the army and the police.

The presidential election of 20. October was highly controversial, the official result was not recognised by the Opposition due to allegations of electoral fraud. Also, the organization of American States (OAS) had demanded to explain the choice for serious irregularities to be invalid.


Created: 11.11.2019, 15:32 PM