interior minister Maria Ohisalo (gr.) said, that the disagreement of cannabis on the citizens ‘ initiative has not affected the cooperation of the national police with.

– Legislators task is to consider whether the existing legislation, the police task is to adhere to existing to. I hope that the police works as well as possible in the current framework. Mps will then, in time, to give your views on the citizens ‘ initiative, Ohisalo says police safety at at the the national police board background of the occasion.

the interior minister and police director general Seppo Kolehmainen have been the opposite lines of cannabis or other drug decriminalisation, i.e. the penalty of removal.

Ohisalo is told in favour of cannabis, but also other drug use decriminalization. Kolehmainen again resist (you move to another service) strongly such a move.

the Part of the police has wondered of his own minister’s position in the initiative and the drug release, and described it to pull the carpet of their work below. What Ohisalo answer them?

Ohisalo says that he brought up his party’s position in the green chair.

– the Debate is on this issue is vilkastanut worldwide, it will, when the world health organisation and the UN institutions have become fact out: how can controlled people treatment better. This also the police to identify the very. How the various authorities to cooperate in helping the substance abuse problems of people suffering. They don’t push yet the plight of the more situation, Ohisalo says.

Also head of the national police Kolehmainen insurance of the occasion, that the different positions show in cooperation with the minister.

the minister Ohisalo also referred to the prime minister of Antti Rinne (sd.) comments on parliamentary question time. Slope said that the government ”does not advance” use of cannabis decriminalization in, but the fact is listen to scientists.

Things hardly proceeds in this government period, because it is not recorded in the government programme, although citizens ‘ initiatives are handled properly in the parliament, Ohisalo repeat.

the Drug rangaistuvuus rise to the debate after the use of cannabis, the penalty of removal in the run of the citizens ‘ initiative received the required 50 000 signatures in a heap, and the initiative proceeds to parliament for processing.

Also in the social and health minister Aino-Kaisa Pekonen (left.) has told in favour of it, that cannabis use punishable. The attorney general Anna-Maja Henriksson (r.) while opposing the idea.

Read more:

the Social – and health minister Aino-Kaisa Pekonen marijuana: “I Support it, that the use of penalised”

Ohisalo: The greens support the drug use offence of abandonment

the Benefits and disadvantages of the parliament to the test before long – minister of Justice Henriksson cannabis initiative: “a Difficult question, very difficult”

What cannabis decriminalization would mean in the case of Finland? The expert should discuss welcome

the use of Cannabis a crime as a result of the going gets tough – the entry of the crime kept police on more longer

they caught you smoking cannabis? These 7 things that can follow the

the Swedish police in Malmö turmoil: the cannabis trade to stir up acts of violence

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