Him, the kill is to be made. The sugar as sweet poison, addictive. In Switzerland, the renunciation of the sugar is ordained even from the top. In the summer, only extended SP-health Minister Alain Berset, the food industry, as well as the largest Swiss retailers, the statement of Milan up to the year 2024. This requires that the sugar content in many foods.

the Swiss like to Suss it: you eat 110 grams of sugar per Person, per day. This is more than twice as much as the world health organization recommends.

EU-increased production

The 4500 Swiss sugar farmers another development is, of course, far stronger. In the EU in 2017, the sugar market has been liberalized. Since then, there has increased the production greatly. With dramatic consequences. “We are currently experiencing the biggest industry crisis since decades,” says Wolfgang Heer, Chairman of the management Board of the company Südzucker, compared to the “time”. The company is the largest white sugar manufacturers in the world.

The last fiscal year ended, Südzucker with a loss of about 800 million euros, with a turnover of 6.7 billion Euro. This year, it ran no better. “Supply has exceeded demand by far,” said army. The consequence of this development: The prices for sugar have slumped dramatically.

the Swiss sugar farmers remain at least partially spared. Still. Because the Federal government supports since the beginning of this year, with special duties. Beginning in 2019, the Federal Council has introduced as a temporary support for a minimum of a measures inch by 70 Swiss francs per Tonne of sugar, as well as an increase in the surface contribution of 300 francs per hectare of sugar beet. However, the measures are limited until 2021. Until then, the industry should have trimmed themselves so fit that they can do without the support. A report stirs up doubt in my mind that this can be achieved.

a few days Ago, the industry presented a business paper. It concludes that the industry in this period increases in spite of increases in efficiency, which is not expected to reach breakeven under its own power. Small production surfaces and expensive machines lead to higher costs than in the EU. Depending on the scenario, the industry loses up to 30 million Swiss francs.

“will disappear as The sugar production from Switzerland, if it is not supported,” says Martin Rufer, head of production, markets & Ecology at the Swiss farmers ‘ Association. Without political protection measures, the area under cultivation would decrease rapidly, and the Import from the EU increase. The growers would switch to other crops, such as Corn or rape, if the markets would allow.

The number of sugar beet growers has been declining for years. In 2009, there were 6500, there are currently around 4500. Thus, the utilization of the sugar factories is reduced. The Swiss farmers bring their beet in one of the two Swiss factories in Aarberg, BE, or Frauenfeld TG.

disagreement on the value of

The studies have also examined whether it would bring savings, if one of the two sugar factories will be closed. The conclusion: no, because the remainder of the site would increase the profitability, but also the transportation costs are growing significantly.

The question is, whether the policy is ready to protect the Swiss sugar more and if the food industry continues to focus on a local production. According to a study by the University of applied Sciences northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) would want to many Swiss local agriculture to protect, but this idea refers to the Alpine farming or animal husbandry – the sugar beet is in the public consciousness is barely present.

cookies are more expensive

The food industry is on the value of the local sugar divided. In the eyes of the Federation of Swiss food industries (Fial)raises the market analysis of the sugar farmers more questions than it provides answers. So it means in the new Fial-Newsletter: The ambiguities should be eliminated in a follow-up study and border protection for Swiss sugar be terminated, as announced by 2021.

In the FHNW study, a number of large customers show that domestic sugar for consumers is per se a value, even if he is the same sweet, but a bit more expensive than the foreign one. Biscosuisse, the Association of the bakery and sugar confectionery industry, sees it differently.

The Association has criticised the introduction of support measures for the sugar planters, because of the import of sweets to be manufactured at lower cost, but the local production and, thus, the local cookies are in this country and exports more expensive. And sugar products have also been in a difficult position.

Created: 10.11.2019, 21:12 PM